Love you a lot

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Next day, In College, Riya bumped into me.
" Why you left yesterday Eva." Riya asked.
" I was not in a mood". I replied.
" if you don't tell us the truth, we already know what happened". She told.
" What you know??" , I was shocked.
" After you left, Sofie came to us and asked us about your affair. We were ignorant. We denied to know anything. Then she started screaming like, "why you are making me fool" ? We were just numb and then Alex came and made her calm. He told her that He loves you a lot. Sofie was so angry hearing this. And after that there was a big fight." She stopped.
" Which kind of fight??" I was so eager to know, I was sure Sofie will create problem.
" She told, Alex, you know very well so many girls wander near you because you are handsome. Every girl like you and want to be with you, you just don't get into this. Before you were always avoiding girls, now what happened to you? Focus on your studies!!
Alex was so angry on Sofie.
He said " Sofie, just mind your language!! She is not the other girl. She never wandered towards me. I was in love with her at very first sight of her. I proposed her. She never convinced me for anything. And moreover she always force me focus on studies. She never distract me.
" You are in love with her that's why you can't see the reality. She is casting spell on you. Nothing is real. She will leave you when she is done. This type of girls can't love anyone. May be she wants you to teach her and securing good marks. It is her motive." Sofie said.
Alex just swallowed his anger. His fists were so tightly closed. He said just two words with anger " Go off Sofie !!", he punched his hand on the door. And while leaving, turned and said to Sofie " Mind your own business" !!
Oh God !!!
I was sure Sofie would have been said bad words to Alex, but this much he told about me, it was so offensive. She thinks like that about me??? Am I like this??? I had tears in my eyes.
Even yesterday only I told Alee to focus on studies first. And How bad Alee must be feeling?
Riya consoled me . I was into tears.
" I feel like going from here.". I told to Riya .
" If you want to go , I will drop you, come with me". I was with her at the main gate of school.
Suddenly I have seen Alex's car stopped there.
He came outside and shocked to see me outside.
" How you are here ?", I asked him.
" I was going to take sports material with my classmates."
" Oh", I saw 3 boys were inside.
"What you doing outside". He asked.
" She was not feeling well", Riya replied.
" why? What happened Eva," ? He asked with so much concern.
" nothing, just want to take rest." I replied without seeing him.
" ok, I will take her with me" !! He told to Riya. He just went near to car and told something to his class mates and came back in 2 minutes.
" Come Eva" he hold my hand. His hold only made me feel so emotional from inside and Tears just dropped out of my eyes.
" Ohh Evaaa !!! What happened darling?" He took me really close to him.
Riya was standing there. " I think I should leave now". She said and waved to us.
"Eva, there is a cafe at walking distance. We will go there. Just come with me".
He locked his palm with mine tightly.
We were at cafe.
" Riya told me all the story yesterday happened at your house". I said.
"Oh god !! I didn't want you to know all that. It's bull shit." He was angry.
Alex , I really want we both should keep distance from now, I don't want to be a problem for you." I told him.
" Are you crazy? " You are not a problem. You are my life." He replied.
I stood up and just left from there.
Alex came behind me and took me to the nearby garden.
" What's wrong Eva??" He was upset.
" did I cast spell on you Alee??" I asked.
" Come on , why you are focusing on what Sofie did ? I love you and you love me, that's it!! Don't think about what she said, it's her thinking. I can't change anyone's thinking."
" that's why i didn't tell you anything yesterday." He said.
" But what if everyone is thinking like that in your home?".
"Come on.. so far you are thinking now, does it really matter now??" He asked me.
" I just don't want to be treated like a girl who is casting spell on you for any purpose like scoring marks or because you are good looking. I loved you from bottom of my heart Alex for what you are." I just burst into tears.
" Oh Eva !!" Alex just embraced me in his muscular arms. He hugged me hard. I was not able to stop my tears.
" keep this in your mind that , You are more and more good looking than me, you are like a doll, you are a pure hearted girl that's why I love you, I am so lucky to have you in my life". Alex said.
He wiped off my tears and was moving his fingers in my hair slowly to make me calm.
" Don't waste your precious tears dear." He took my tear on his finger and kissed that.
I just hugged him more tightly. He was moving his palms on my back to console me. His touch was giving me goose bumps. My palms started moving on his back slowly. He grabbed my waist. I just looked at him and as he understood what I want , he kissed my tears on cheeks and he kissed my lips . It was like a huge spike for me. Our lips were locked for so long. He lowered his head to my head, our noses rubbed and again our lips touched. My whole body was getting spikes. He rubbed his lips on mine and giving small kisses again and again. I was shivering inside. He putted my hair one side, his fingers was touching was neck and then the shoulder. I was melting by his soulful touch.
He was kissing my neckline, he kissed my collar bone, my head automatically turned opposite to that because of nervousness and he kissed my jaw line .
I was so heated. My chin was feeling incomplete and he kissed there too. He moved a bit above and again our lips touched. He moved his fingers on my lips slowly . I was getting so so nervous. He pressed his lips on mine . It was really intense. I don't how long our lips were with each other. I kept my palms on his ears , he was looking at me lovingly.
" Can you be with me forever Eva" he asked sweetly.
I just kissed his hand and smiled.
He again pulled me to him, and looking at me intensely. I tied my palms with him.
" We need to focus on studies now. We will meet less now Alee, otherwise your family members will kill me for sure." I told him the real thing.
" yeah , but it's hard for me, if not possible to meet at least , I want to see you daily. He told me.
" Actually now college and extra classes every thing finished, and everyone is studying, if we need to meet, I have to tell my mom where I am going, so not possible to meet everyday. I can come every week at least." I replied.
" Every week ??? It's too long for me." He was not happy.
" we can make video call daily.", I tried to convinced him.
" Oh !! Ok". So tomorrow you will meet me or not? He asked.
" I can meet on next Sunday." I replied.
"You are taking my exam about patience too" he was still sad.
" I am sorry but it's not possible after today Alee. Already college finished today and in coaching also it's last revision class in evening." I said.
" Ok, I will not keep you in any trouble." He sighed.
" Smile Alee, I will call you every day." I tried to make him happy.
" But it can't make me able yo touch you darling". He said.
" But Alex.... Before I complete my sentence , he wrapped his hand behind my neck and kissed my lips again. My words were just stopped to my lips.
He hugged me tightly without leaving my lips. We were sticked to each other badly, no space for air even. He kissed my ears lovingly. He was grazing on my face.
" Alex, we should go now". I told him.
" Yes, sure, tell me where should we go?" He teased me.
" Idiot !! I am talking about going home." I replied lovingly.
" Oh !! What is so hurry"? He asked.
" We are here from 2 hours, college hours also finished now" I smiled.
" Ok !! Let's go now. He said.
We both looked at each other for some time intensely and then he hold my palm and we left.

It's too tough to not to think about the Alex.
His every touch just touch to my soul. I feel like heaven when I am in his arms, his kiss makes me feel so valuable on the earth. The purity of his love is visible in his every action. The way he cares for me, I feel like princess.

But, but we both need to focus on studies now. I unlocked my phone and kissed him on our picture.

We both were trying really hard to do exam preparations.
One day I was lost in my books and Alex's face were striking in my mind, I was trying to concentrate on my book but i was helpless, again and again he was coming to my mind.

I just thought to peep into his balcony as I didn't want to disturb him in studies. When I opened my balcony door, already some noises were there. Ok, so Alex is upstairs only.I tried to focus. It was voice of a girl. I tried to listen more carefully and I just heard the laughter of Alex.

Ok , so he is not studying, now I can call him and meet him. I was happy. I just called him. Whole rings completed, but he didn't answer.
I called again. Again the same.
I called at least 10 times but he didn't answer. I was clearing hearing his talks with someone and the laughing of both. It's a joint family so I don't know who it must be.
I was disappointed as i really wanted to meet him.
But, it's fine. May be he has not seen the phone. But I remember very well that after our relationship he never leaves phone to any place.
He will call me whenever he will get the time. I left from there.

Whole day gone, I didn't get call back.
At night, I called him. He received " Hey Eva, how are you sweetheart??" He was so happy to have my call.
" I am good Alee, where are you , I called you in day time but you have not picked up.?". I said
" Ohh!! Really sorry, my phone was out of order. I have given it in repairing. May be it is false ring. Now I have put my sim in a old phone for temporary basis. Usually you do study in day time, so I didn't inform you about it. Night time, we talk so I put it in old phone." He replied.
"Oh ok !!!", actually today I was thinking to meet you but...". I said.
" Oh really!! Can we meet now? Can you come to balcony?? " he was super excited.
I saw the time. It's 9.45.
" Ok but only for few minutes as My mom can come after that. I replied.
We both were excited.
When I entered to balcony, Alee was so eager to see me.
" Ohh Eva !! I miss you so much", he hugged me hard.
This hug is all I want to make myself relax and calm. I sighed.
We both were feeling our heart beats on each other. It was really so heavenly feeling. He took my chin in his palms like he is taking a flower in his palms and kissed my lips. Ohh !! My lips were feeling blessed. Every part of my body was amazingly thrilled with this loving gesture. He was looking at my face intensely. He started moving his face on my face, his nose was touching every part of my face, gosh !!! my hands automatically placed to his back and moving there. His fingers were touching my necklace and he lifted up the necklace in his hand. It was a bird.
" Is this you Eva? ", he asked me with pulling that necklace to his side.
" Your Bird" I smiled being pulled to him.
He put the both hands around my neck and pulled me more close to him and our lips were touched again incidentally . His every kiss is so soulful to me. My fingers were moving into his hair. His lips were getting pressed on me more intensely. Our bodies were pressing against each other tightly. Our hearts were beating to one tune.
" Alee, I missed you so much." I said.
" Me too darling." He replied by kissing my hand.

"After Exams I will not leave you for single second even." He said looking at me.
I smiled. " 1 month more like this."
"Yeah !!" He sounded disappointed.
"But after some time we also need to choose our career priorities." I was not happy.
" Yeah , we will choose a common college dear". He replied.
" Really!! It's so beautiful to think". I replied.
" The most beautiful is you", he smiled and just pulled my cheek.
   I pulled his both cheeks " And you are the most handsome boy, whom I love a      lot."
" Really" he was notorious.
" Damn sure !!"
We were talking to each other for some time.
Suddenly I saw the time. " oh it's 10.30", I should go. It's too late.
" Ok darling !! I understand." He sighed.
" Love you my senior". I kissed him on cheek.
" Love you too my junior." He gave a small kiss on my lips."
We left.

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