The End..

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Eva was feeling extremely upset, her eyes brimming with tears, as Riya wrapped her in a comforting embrace. Seeing her friend in distress, Riya thought to visit the nearby supermarket to purchase Eva's favorite brand of noodles, hoping that this small gesture would bring some cheer to Eva's day. With a determined look, Riya left for the supermarket, eager to find the noodles and return to Eva's side as quickly as possible..

It's pushing 10 p.m. and Alex is on the brink of losing it. He's already reached out to nearly every one of Eva's friends, and he's not about to stop now.
Alex made the bold decision to confront Shaily at her home. As they all were on bikes stood outside her home, Daisy called for Shaily to join them downside. Upon seeing her, Alex was overcome with anger. Despite his desire to lash out, he knew he couldn't act on it. Those around him understood the intensity of the situation and urged him to keep his composure.
Shaily was so afraid to see them all like this.
Alex asked Shaily , "where is Eva"?
Shaily :  I don't know Alex.
Alex : What the hell!! are you in your senses? I know you have done something wrong to Eva!!
Shaily  : No!! I did not do anything.

Alex : you were blackmailing her and she is disappeared after the moment, she talked to you, Shaily was being perplexed, and she told "I really don't know where she is".
Alex thought she was shivering because she had done something wrong. Daisy held Shaily's hand and Silvi asked her, "Can you please tell us what's really going on? We're here to know the truth!!

Shaily: Believe me!! I always want Alex by my side. But trust me, I haven't done anything to hurt Eva. I'm not the kind of person who would do that. I know everyone sees me as a bad person, but I swear I can't bring myself to do anything wrong. Please forgive me !! Please forgive me !! As she sobbed, Alex pounded his fist against the wall, feeling utterly helpless.

As they all were coming back to home on bikes and strolled through the supermarket near to their colony, they suddenly spotted Riya. Alex recalled that Riya was also a friend of Eva. Perhaps she could shed some light on the situation.
Alex hurried over to Riya. Riya was shocked suddenly seeing to Alex. She was thinking how to respond to Alex if he asks something.

Alex asked Riya "Do you know where is Eva?"Riya emphatically shook her head and hurriedly made her way out of the place. Daisy couldn't help but feel suspicious that Riya hadn't asked why they were searching for Eva and had simply left without saying a word. Daisy quickly instructed Alex to discreetly follow Riya home. They kept a safe distance from Riya's house and watched secretly as everyone's eyes remained fixed on her door.

Riya rang the bell, and as everyone was shocked seeing Eva opened the door!! She smiled a bit to saw the noodles packet in riya's hands. Alex couldn't resist after finding Eva and barged in. Just as she was about to close the door, she saw Alex is standing there, Before she could react, he held the door and screamed at Eva, " Why are you hiding yourself?"

Eva had just walked out the door, tears streaming down her face. Alex immediately pulled her into his arms, and she was crying badly. It was as if her tears were never-ending. The whole scene was so emotional and intense. Daisy and Silvi tried to comfort her after a while, Eva told him the whole story.
Alex : Why are you keeping quiet about Shaily blackmailing you? It's really hurting me to see you like this. I came here for you, and you are hiding from me?
Eva: Alex, I'm really sorry, but I didn't know how to tell you this. I was not sure how youwill respond if you'll come across the pictures of me with Herman . I hope you can believe me.

Alex: are you serious? Why shouldn't I believe you? I know you so well. I know exactly who you are and I believe in you completely. You've truly shocked everyone, You can at least tell me why you didn't tell me? That's the problem. Just come here now" and Once again, Alex pulled Eva close, savoring the comforting weight of her relaxed body and the delicate flutter of the bird resting on her shoulder. In that instant, she gave in to unbridled happiness, allowing herself to be swept away by the sheer joy engulfing her. And through it all, Alex remained by her side.

The next day, Alex filed a complaint against Shaily. The Principal, after giving shaily a warning previously, has now suspended her for 15 days due to bullying incidents and for blackmailing and Herman was suspended for 5 days to encourage and to be involved in the wrong actions with Shaily.
After so long Alex and Eva  was again together in the balcony, The place where the love was started between them, "so what did you learn from all this?" Alex asked Eva " What ?"
Alex: please remember that you should tell me everything, just like I've told you before. Keeping things from me only causes worry and stress. We're a couple, and we should share everything. I've told you this countless times: I can face anything as long as you're by my side. The few hours without you felt like an eternity. I really love you so much!!

Eva : I'm so sorry for hurting you Alee!! . For sure, I will tell you everything from now.
Alex (smiles) : That's what my pretty junior is!!
Eva (smiles) : That's what my handsome senior is!!
.. And I want to tell you something really important Alee..
Alex : What?
Eva : You Really Touched my soul!!!
Alex tenderly embraced Eva, enveloping her in a warm and loving embrace. Together, they embarked on a journey to a world of eternal love and bliss, where their affection for each other would last for all time.

———————— The End ————————————-

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