-Chapter 7-

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     "Who the fuck does he think he is?" She muttered to herself while walking back to her chambers. She was able to stop crying by this point but she was still annoyed. As she's pacing back and forth in her chambers, she keeps muttering to herself. As if she's finally gone mad.

"I can't do this. I can't do this!" She worryingly says to herself. Putting her hands to her head and leaning down onto her desk. She knew that she was going to explode before her family would arrive. Even though it was only a little over a day until they would be in King's Landing.

She snapped out of her racing thoughts when she started hearing screeched from above outside. Lorelei looks out and saw a dark blue figure flying around above her room. Her mood immediately changed and her eyes lit up. She hadn't seen Jaerax since she arrived in King's Landing. She felt instead of leaving him locked up in the dragon pit, she would rather have him be able to come and go as he pleases. She didn't worry about him a whole lot when we was gone. He was overall a pretty well behaved dragon.

She didn't even give it much of a second thought before she grabbed her cloak and ran out of the Red Keep to meet Jaerax on the beach. She didn't tell anyone, nor did anyone really ask when she ran by.

"My boy!" She quietly shouts. Grinning ear to ear. Lorelei pulled herself into her dragon. "Jaerax, sōvegon" fly. Without missing a beat, Jaerax took off, flying into the night.

     Lorelei didn't know where he was going, nor did she care. This is the first time she felt as if she was able to breath. After about an hour of flying, they landed into a huge open field. Lorelei noticed a huge scorched area, full of burnt animal bones.

     Lorelei chuckles at the remains. "So this has been we're you have been coming?" She jokingly said to her dragon. While he couldn't respond with words, he could respond with his emotions. These two have such a strong bond, it was almost as that they could communicate silently with one another. Jaerax lifted his head and grumbled. Once Lorelei got off of him, he immediately laid down. Just the prescience of his rider near was enough to make him relax.

     Lorelei laid out in the grass next to her dragon. While she was doing nothing, she felt so free. She knew she'd would probably suffer repercussions when she got back but at the moment she didn't care. She just stared at the sky with her dragon purring next to her. If she had a choice, she'd life out in the empty field. Alone with no one else but her dragon. But unfortunately for her, it is only a dream. Reality would soon hit her.


"What do you mean she just left?" The Queen looks down at Ana, Lorelei's handmaiden. Frustrated at the princess for running off.

"She ran out of her room so fast that I couldn't catch her.. I'm sorry your grace. I'm sure she'll come back. All of her things are still here. Surely she wouldn't leave it behind." Ana tries to reassure the Queen.

"Mother, the woman isn't the Princess's wet nurse." Aemond annoyingly said to his mother while he rolled his eye. "There's nothing we can do at the moment. Besides, she's not stupid enough to disobey her family."

"Aemond, you're her betrothed, you need to be the one to go and fi-"

"Mother, she is a grown woman and I'm definitely not her wrangler" Aemond snaps at his mother. He out of anybody was the most worried, but he's never let it on that her was.

"If she is not back by midday tomorrow, I will go find her" he reluctantly says to the Queen. She shakes her head in agreement and excused herself from the room. Ana was excused as well. Aemond slumped down into a chair. Stressed at the thought of not knowing where she was, whether she was safe. He starts to chuckle at himself over the thought of her safet. He shakes his head "Why should I be worried? She is the 'rouge princess' after all. Besides, if she doesn't come back, that means I don't have to go through this forsaken marriage" he says to himself.

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