-Chapter 1-

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     "LET ME GO AEMOND! YOU'RE HURTING ME!" Lorelei shouts while her and Aemond wrestled on the floor. Only the Gods know what they are fighting about this time. They are known to bump heads with each other more often than not. "Not until you take it back AND admit to me that you're a bastard, cousin" Aemond says with a shit eating grin.

     "No I won't!" Lorelei says while wincing through the pain. Aemond let her go and laughs "Who's the weak one now, princess?" The prince says looking down at his cousin. Standing over her as if he has just won a battle.

"You're going to regret this Aemond" she's snarls at him. She's still trying to catch her breath.

"Why would I be scared of you? We may be the same age Princess, but you are not a TRUE dragon." Aemond spat back at his cousin.

     "If that's the case, if I'm not a dragon, that means your aren't either" she snaps back at him, grinning because she knows he's going to lose it. "I have yet to claim a dragon and neither have you. So that does not make you any better than me. We are very much equals in this." she says rolling her eyes, trying as hard as she can to brush off the bastard comment.

She may have her fathers light skin and and straight white hair, but other than that she is a reflection of her mother. She may be small, but she has the fire and quick mouth of her father and the strong will of her mother.

     "We aren't equals! You think I'm going to lower myself to a bastard!?" The Prince screams. "My father is the KING! Are you WILL respect me as such!" Aemond demanded from his cousin.

Lorelei laughs in his face. Laughing so hard, tears start to stream down her face. "Oh yea like that's ever going to happen, Aemond" she says between laughs. The Prince stormed off out of rage and embarrassment. Once he left, Lorelei got up and proceeded to wipe the dirt off of herself before being startled by her mother.

     "I thought I told you to stop harassing him Lori.." Lorelei spun around and let out a large sigh, "I'm sorry mother but he keeps saying I'm not a dragon when he doesn't even have one either!" She says with frustration. Lorelei took a deep breath adds, "He also keeps saying I'm a bastard like Luke and Jace..." trying to hold back her tears.

Laena gently holds her daughters face in her hands "Look at me child" she says warmly. Lorelei looks up at her mother, not able to hold back her disappointed tears.

     "You listen to me my sweet girl" Her mother says while brushing her white hair out of her face. "You may not have my skin or my hair, but you have my eyes and my smile. You also got blessed with your mother's quick wit" she jokes with her daughter while slipping her a wink.

Laena never understood why her eldest didn't look like her other two daughters. Laena didn't know nor did she care. Lorelei was her daughter and she knew that the bastard comment was false.

  "That boy doesn't know anything. Your father gave me you. I watched you be born from my belly. There's no denying that you aren't mine or your father's." Her mother says with a warm smile. Still holding Lorelei.

  "And besides, there's no shame in not having a dragon yet. I was two years older than you when I claimed Vhagar." Laena says proudly. "Give it time. I did and I ended up with the largest  and strongest dragon in all of Westeros!" Her mother says with a giggle. Lorelei giggled as well. "All good things happen in time my sweet girl" she says while still gazing at her daughter.

     "Aemond is just a boy who listens to the rumors that spill from his family's mouth." Lorelei knew what her mother meant. She knew that Luke and Jace were bastards but that didn't matter to anyone else on her side of the family.

It wasn't spoken of much but, Lorelei isn't stupid. She knew that the boys had her skin color, when they should also have the dark complexion and coiled, white hair. They looked like their mother but not like their father, her Uncle Lenore Velaryon. It was a well, unspoken fact that Ser Harwin Strong was the father of the two boys. Lorelei knew well enough not to say anything or comment on it. Not that she would. She didn't care either way. They were family and nothing was going to break that.


      A few weeks after the altercation with Aemond, and inadvertently going back to Pentos. Lorelei's mother goes into labor. For being a girl of only 12, she stuck by her mother's side during the whole birth. It was gruesome and scaring for the young child. After hours of labor, her mother gave birth to the child. "Wh- why isn't he moving.." Lorelei asks. Horrified at the purple skin of the lifeless child.

     The midwife quickly guides the child away from her mother, who was sobbing at the loss of her child and writhing in pain. "He was stillborn princess... He left your mother before it was his time..." the midwife whispered.

Scared, as any child would be she ran from the room. Tears streaming down her face. She didn't stop running until she made it to the beach. She hid there a lot when she wanted to be alone. It seems hours have gone by. Lorelei hasn't left the the little cave she hides in.

She started to hear a woman scream from outside. She looks out the of the cave to look out onto the beach and saw her mother by herself, still a mess after childbirth. Lorelei didn't understand what her mother was doing until she approached her dragon, Vhagar, who was lazily sleeping. Lorelei was so upset that she didn't even notice the beast when she had first went down there.

     "Vhagar," she hears her mother speak. Exhausted after what she had just went through. Lorelei had no idea that her mother ended up with childbirth fever and that she was dying. "Dracarys!"

Lorelei is horrified. She knew the moment that those words left her mother's lips that she was going to have Vhagar kill her. She couldn't even speak. She ran out of the cave as fast as her legs could take her. When she makes it out onto the beach she saw her mother on her knees. Screaming and begging Vhagar to end her suffering.

     "Dracarys!" she hears her mother's strained shouts. Vhagar was confused by her rider's request, she pauses. "Dracarys.." she weakly whispered. The beast finally complies with her rider. Lorelei screams when she sees her mother engulfed in Vhagar's flames.

Before she fell to her knees, she feels her father grab her before she falls to the ground. "WHY!?" She screams. Seeming to be screaming at no one but, she was in fact screaming at the gods and the dragon who had just killed her mother. "WHY DID YOU TAKE HER FROM ME!?" Lorelei screams again. She finally falls into her father's chest and sobs. He guided her back to her bed chambers. No words were exchanged but Lorelei could feel her father's pain.

     "Do they know?" She asks her father. Reluctant to look at him.

"Who little dove?" Daemon says quietly while holding on to his daughter's hand.

"My sisters... if they don't know, I should be the one to te-" she fell into sobs again. Her father pulls her in to embrace her.

"No dove. That is not a responsibility for a child. I will do it. But if you would like, I can send them to your chambers afterwards."

"Please?" She asked. Daemon nodded his head and kissed Lorelei on her forehead. She went into her room and sobbed uncontrollably. She had just witnessed her mother die and she couldn't stop it. She started to blame herself. She hated herself for not being able to save her mother. The day Laena Velaryon died, a part of Lorelei died too.

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