Cannon Busters

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I walk into the arena with the Dunwich Family logo branded on my suit's shoulder plate I pull my anchor off my back, raising it above my head, as the crowd chants my name the Iron Maiden or the Iron Bear, I was pretty new to the arena so they haven't decided on a gladiator nickname that fits, I looked to my right to see the kid shooting his Tommy's gun in the air.

I looked to my left to see Señorita Salvaje roaring like a beast while welding her Buzzsaw, at that moment I know we were ready for anything that unwaters hell could throw at us but I should have realized that was a feeling not a fact because when I heard chains moving in the dark side of the arena I know I fucked up.

The same undead Hulking brute that Killed the Kid's brother and sent us running for our lives was standing a few feet away from us but to especially rub salt into the wound he was surrounded by 10 to 15 undead inmates The kid stopped we both looked up to see Lucky Seven and The Young Duncless looking back with serious looks on their faces, two words painful made themselves known in our minds that second.

Prove Yourself

The Brute raised its cannon arm and roared firing the cannon, out pure Instinct I managed to catch the red-hot steel ball, I barked orders pulling the kid back to reality I charged the undead brute swinging my anchor into the side of its face and using my other hand slamming the red hot steel ball into the other side of its head I can still smell the burnt flesh.

But then I felt The barrel of the cannon arm hit my chest plat before I knew it I was flying back to my friends smashing into a stone wall, I looked down to see the damage but only found a significant dent with a cannonball almost fused to my chest plate.

Right Then I Know This Fight Won't Be A Easy One Not For A Long Shot 

I heard The Kid callout ( you good because I don't think I can hold this thing much longer!) I turned to them and was shocked by his appearance his eyes were black like the night but his eye color turned from brown to golden yellow, and his claw hand was exposed, a black bug-like exoskeleton made up his arm but the worst part was the bug like eyes covering it.

Black tendrils seemed to pour out of them restraining The undead brute while Salvaje began sawing off its cannon arm, to be completely honest I felt kind of weak but shrugged off the feeling forcing myself to remember the team matters, not my ego, I tightened my grip around my anchor.

 Slowly pouring my anchor with raw psychic electricity I rush the undead brute again slamming my anchor on its shoulder and missing its head by a few inches but at least I completely shattered its other arm dropping the brute to its knees.

We both looked at The kid and nodded, backing away, leaving him to finish off the undead brute he placed his claw hand on its chest and started abruptly ripping away flesh along with bone until he reached its heart slowly tearing it out. 

He didn't even smile when he ripped it to shreds In front of the undead brute seeing their leader was dead and humiliated making the rest of the undead army retreat into the dark side of the area.

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