Oh Gosh.

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I sighed as I heard the phone rang. I hoped it wasn't Anthony. At school He was getting a little too close for comfort in my opinion... And if he was doing things at school with me, I was worried about what he would do if we were ever alone together. We weren't even in a relationship. I went to answer the phone, but realized it wasn't ringing anymore. No wonder people say I think too much. I called him back.

"Hey, Ash?" He asked,

"Yeah." I replied wondering why there was a shakiness to my voice.

"Hey um.. I was wondering of I could stop by your house in a few minutes?" He asked.

I gasped, surprised.

"Um... I have alot if homework to do..." I stammered.

"Aw c'mon, just a few minutes!" He pleaded.

I sighed. Why did I use to wish my life would get more exciting?!

"Fine... Lemme give the phone to my dad so he can give you directions." I said.

Wait. What? I sound like my mother. I can't do that! My parents would freak! What am I doing?! I held the phone back up to my ear.

"Actually... I'm going to just text you my address. You can use the GPS. And.. Park down the street, walk down the back alley, to where there's a little hole in the fence. Climb through it and there's a tree that reaches to my window. Three knocks and I'll open it."

I hung up. What did I just do. My phone trilled. I looked down. There was a wink. I sighed and texted directions. Oh yay. This will be so much fun... I just can't wait...

About five minutes later I heard a knock on my window. My heart started to slowly pick up its pace. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. What did I just do?! What is going on? why did I do this?! oh gosh I can't sit here like a little kid. okay AshLey, girl, unlock the door, you can do it! okay twist the handle and open the door that's a good girl.. okay. Okay, walk..walk...walk...that's a girl okay now, try to ignore the fact that he's giving you weird sexual faces and open the window. I sighed as I opened the window, hating myself for everything.

"Heyyy..." He had a smirk on his face that could only mean trouble.

"Hey.." I said, cautious to not quite let him in my room.

"Um...Aren't you going to invite me in?" He asked raising a brow.

"Uh...yeah...Come in." I stammered wondering if I had just sentenced myself to death.

He hopped inside my room. I waltzed over to my door to make sure it was securely locked.

"So um.." He stammered sitting awkwardly on my bed.

"What." I asked standing in front of him with my arms crossed. "Why did you come here? What do you want?" I demanded.

His eyes nervously looked into mine and he pulled my hands into his.

"You." He whispered, standing up. His hand brushed a piece of hair out of my face. I wasn't sure if this was super romantic, or super scary. Or both. I didn't think. I couldn't think. I couldn't move his lips came towards mine, and I almost wanted it. I actually almost wanted it. Oh God where do I put my hands? What do I do? I've never..kissed anyone before! Oh my God I'm terrified! Oh...his lips were on mine. Oh, yeah.. I think I'm supposed to close my eyes. Mmm, kay, that's better. My body shook, and started to sink he grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. I had no thoughts...Whaa...It was...beautiful...simply beautiful...I don't know why, but it was. He kissed me like he had been waiting for this for forever, and I had the feeling that he really had been waiting for this. For forever. He stopped. I opened my eyes as if it was a dream, he looked at me. Um...

There was a rap at the door.

"AshLey!!! Open this door RIGHT NOW! What have we told you about locking your doors? Open up right now!" My mom spat. I looked at Anthony. Uh...shit. Yeah. That's the word.

"Closet! No, bed!" I frantically whispered.

"You want me to get IN the bed?!" He asked shocked.

"No!!! UNDER the bed dummy!" I hissed.

I spun around to open the door. It magically opened. But the thing that came in after it was definitely not the kind of thing you would ever call "magical."

"ASHLEY SHAY COX. Start flapping your gums. NOW." She practically screamed.

"I...I...I was in the bathroom." I flipped my hair and stared at the spot between here eyes and right above her nose. If I look someone in the eyes when they're interregating me, I will laugh.

"You were in the bathroom...." She stated but her eyebrows questioned, "And why did you feel the need to lock this door, when you could have locked your bathroom door?" She asked.

"Um...because..." I stammered. Um..Storyline...please pop up NOW.

"Because...I'm on my...ya know.." I tried to whisper, "Period...and I...Um...Left things...That I bought at the store today in my purse...." I said trying to look secure about the whole thing. Thank the Lord. Miracles still happen. "Yeah, my purse, which is on the door!" I motioned to the door handle. "So I locked it just in case SOMEONE came barging in." I concluded. I could only imagine what Anthony was thinking.

"Uh huh...So...you're not hiding any BOYS in here?" She laughed. I didn't. Oh. She's joking. How hilarious mom. How...freaking funny of you to say that...like...I'm...on the floor DYING...From laughter that is just erupting out of my soul...

"Oh..haha! Yeah...no...I wish!" I laughed. She didn't.

"Over my dead body sweetheart." She smiled painfully and closed the door.

I breathed a sigh of relief. Holy....meat balls on hot dog sticks. I turned to see Anthony's head peaking out underneath my bed. Gawd. He looked so cute...

"I do?" His eyebrows shot up.

"What?" I whispered, still afraid that my mom was listening at the door.

"You just said I was cute." He grinned.

I didn't...I did...yeah I definitely did...NOT JUST SAY THAT. Facepalm.

"Period huh?" He smirked.

"Shut up. Okay. Not a word. I don't wanna hear it." I said my lips in a thin line. This only made him laugh out loud.

"SHH!!!" I hissed.

"Sorry.. Jeez..." He pouted.

"So..." I sighed and sat on the floor next to him while he remained under my bed. It actually was pretty cute. "Where do we go from here?" I asked him.

"Wherever you want to go. You tell me." His hand caressed mine, and followed my arm up to my lips giving me chills. Separating my bottom lip from the other he crawled out from under the bed and kissed me again. This time more passionate than the first. I could feel his confidence and practically taste his passion. I just sat there. Guess I should kiss him back. If I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do it the right way. I opened my mouth, grabbed his face, straddled him, and kissed him back. This time I had the confidence and the passion. I could tell he loved it...A thought of Devin flashed into my mind...wha..I sat back. What happened to the "no thinking while kissing thing?" I pouted. His fingers touched my lips and he laughed.

"You're too perfect for me..." He trailed off.

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