How Long Can It Last? Young Love That Is...

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AshLey's Pov-

My eyes fluttered. Blank. White. In a show or movie that usually means you're in a hospital. Ohhhh crap.

"AshLey?" I recognized the voices of my mom and dad.

Not now... Now... I just wanted to sleep. My eyes fluttered.


Another voice. Hmm... Not sexy enough to be Devin... Oh C'mon Anthony? Really?

"Excuse me, but do we know you?" I heard my dad question. If I wasn't so tired I would be literally laughing my ass off.

"Um... No....I'm.. Her boyfriend." He gulped.

"Her boyfriend is Devin Gray." My mom announced.

"What?!" Exclaimed my dad.

"Oh, you didn't know?" My mom raised a brow.

"No! When the hell did that happen? And why wouldn't she have told us?!" He gasped.

"She... Told me.."

"Why wouldn't she tell me?"

My mom shook her head, "Why do you think?"

"I'm was complicated..." 

"Okay why would she not have told me about you?" My mom asked perplexed. 

"Why do you think?' My dad sassed back. 

"GUYS!," Anthony waved "She's waking up."

They rushed to my side. All I could do was painfully smile.

"Where's..." I whispered.

"Where's who sweetheart?" My dad asked.

"He's across the hall. And he's not doing too well." Anthony gave me a knowing look.

"Thanks..."   I breathed and closed my eyes again.

"What just happened..."  My dad asked, now flustered.  

I smiled.  "If only you knew."   


*Two Weeks Later*

As I walked into school, I headed to my classes.  I texted Devin.  

"Wish you were here! School is so boring without my boyfrienddd."  

To which he replied, "My room isn't much fun either without my girlfrienddd."

 We needed lives.

The  fire had burn't half of the building down, and the other half was in construction.  Those of us who had injuries and had gotten behind in school now had to come to the dym during winter break and make it up. In the fire Devin had gotten airway burns from breathing super heated air as well as cuts, bruises, and a broken arm from trying to save me and his mom by breaking the window, and his mom (who had only suffered from smoke inhalation, same as I), was tutoring him back at home. 

My parents were going to counseling, and Mr. Gray was caught cheating on Mrs. Gray, and she filed for a divorce a few days ago. 

Anthony and I still remain friends, although Devin sometimes has to remind him of it...

As for the original black letter and envelope?  It turned out to be Jacob Otto, his dad, Richard,  was madly in love with my mom, and Jacob was "in luv" with me. Bleah.  His dad stalked our family, and had access to private information since he was a police officer, and wanted to get to my mom.  Jacob found the note and put it in his gym bag.  Devin found the note and didn't want me or my mom to get even more hurt, so he blacked out the original white print with an ink pen, and knew Anthony really liked me, so he wrote down what he thought would cover all suspicions.  

Jacob found out who had taken his little "note," (hence the fight in the cafeteria) and was expelled from school, and Richard Otto lost his badge for getting information and looking into files that were none of his business.  

I believe they moved out of town, but I don't really care enough to look into it.  

Cici and Machelle are still my best buds, and I plan on keeping it that way.

As for Noelle?  Let's just say that crazy ass bestie is still homeschooled, and is still single....(guys contact me if interested...)

As for Devin and I?  They say a love like this never lasts for long.  But who knows? I Guess we'll just take it day by day, and let the cards fall where they may. 


Authors Notes-

IT'S DONE!!! FINALLY!!! This story is dedicated to my best friend...(you know who you are...) and was origially based on a somewhat...true...story and and real people.  

When I write, I go crazy. This being my first EVER story, you can see how crazy and weird it got.  I'm still trying to understand what happened.  

But it was all for a good purpose and I learned ALOT about writing.  

Thanks to CiCi* Machelle* AshLey!* Devin, Anthony* and, Noelle* Richard* Jacob, and those crazy ass cheating parents of those poor children for being in this story.  


* -Not their real name.

P.S. -You think those characters were MESSED UP?! You should see my brain right now...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2013 ⏰

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