What am I supposed to do?

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My phone rang, it was my mom. I cleared my throat and wiped away the tears, as if she could see them through the phone.

"Hey mom." I sniffed.

"Hey, Honey where are you?! It's almost 9:00 P.M.! Are you okay? Is someone hurting you? Why are you sniffing?!" She asked worried sick.

"It's okay mom, Noelle and I are just getting dessert at Cold Stone." I said making a mental note to text her as soon as I was off the phone. "I"ll be home in a little while okay?" I said happy with my excuse. Ice cream would make me feel better...

"Humph. Okay fine. Tick Tock!" I could tell she winked and hung up the phone.

Oh Mom. Oh darling Mom. My phone lit up again with a text from Anthony.

"Everything alright babe?" He asked.

I shut him out and called Noelle. I told her to come I explained every little detail to her almost a thousand times, and wasn't sure if she was still on the other end when I was done. I heard her take a deep breath.

"What are you going to do?" She asked.

"Well, first, you're going to come out here and go to Cold Stone with me so I'm not completely lying, then...I'll go home...and...just let my brain think in the backround. It'll come up with an answer sooner or later right?" I tried to reason.

"Meet me at the Stone in 5." Was all she said. Oh Noelle. What AM I going to do?!

How can I be for sure that this is even true?! I knew it made sense though. I arrived at the intersection by the Stone the same time as Noelle did. We stared at each other with blank expressions until the light changed and we turned into the parking lot. She ordered for me, ""It's Your Birthday Cake" for her, and I'll take "Rocky Road Mint Oreo Blizzard."". We know each other so well, it makes people question our sexual orientation.

We talked about Devin, we talked about Anthony, we talked about my parents...we talked about everything. By the time we were done, it was 11:00 P.M., and our ice cream cups were filled with tears. We gave each other a look of understanding and a hug, and went home. I knew what I had to do.

I called Anthony.

"Hey! Babe! I've been worried sick! How are you? Where are you? What's going on? Are...are you okay...?" He really did sound worried. God. How do I do this? Um..

"Hey..um... Listen...can you meet me in my room...in about 30 minutes?" I asked.

"Um... Yeah I think I can arrange that." He laughed.

"Okay cool see you then." I replied hanging up.

I drove home, parked the car and walked inside.

"Oh my god you're finally home!" My mom shrieked from the living room. "I've missed you so!!" She wailed hugging me.

"Since you've been gone!" I quoted slightly smiling.

"Your father made me a very romantic candle light dinner.. And... Do you mind spending the rest of the evening...upstairs maybe?" She clasped her hands rocking back and forth like a little girl.

"Um... Okay... Don't tell me why... Just... Okay..." I laughed turning my imagination off.

I glanced at my dad who was lighting more candles. I sighed. It just didn't seem real. Oh my GAWD. I just wanted to scream! I could literally kill him right now. The money he's been paying Devin, the affair, the pleading and the begging... And he's sitting here going to...I don't even want to think about that... Oh my god. I had to get upstairs before I threw up. I flew upstairs threw myself into the bed and cried. Feeling a hand on my shoulder I jumped.

"You okay babe?" He asked.

I sat up and buried my head in his shoulder.

"No!" I sobbed.

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