Chapter 2

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POV: Harry Potter

A single tear rolled down my face. Soon more followed, and I was sobbing in front of all of the professors in Hogwarts. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, there's no way this can be happening.

I am Tom Riddle's Horcrux.

I fell to my knees and felt an ache in my chest. A part of the soul of the man who has tried to kill me since I was an infant was inside of me. More specifically, inside this awful scar on my forehead that has ruined my life.

I could feel Professor Dumbledoor approaching me. I didn't want to be near anyone right now. Not when I know I could burst at any second and end up hurting someone. I could sense a hand reaching out and freaked.

I felt all the emotions I've built up inside all these years come back up from the depths I pushed them down into.

I screamed as loud as I could and felt my magic explode outside of my body.

As I open my eyes and look around, I see all of the professors are passed out around me. I feel panic rush through my veins and my body flood with adrenaline.

I turn around and run to the door of the head masters office, opening it and running out. As I run through the empty hallways in the dead of night, my mind is fogged up and I can't seem to breathe correctly.

I rush through one of the passage ways I learned from the marauder's map and find myself outside. The Icy-cold weather pierces through every fiber of my being. The overpowering rush of hormones through me is pushing me to just keep running.

Run away until I can't run anymore. My brain is still not functioning properly and I only of one thought running through my mind.

I hold a part of the man I FUCKING HATE!

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