Chapter 3

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Harry's POV:

I awake to the sun shining down on my face, yet feel as though I could die at any moment from the exhaustion still residing within me. As I try to wake myself up fully, I take in my surroundings with my other senses. One things for sure, I'm not in the creaky old bed in my bedroom at the Dursley's like I should be.

Instead I seem to have fallen asleep in a forest that looks awfully familiar. Dirt covers me from head to toe and some parts of my body ache from the uneven ground and small pebbles that litter the ground.

Oh Merlin!

Everything comes back to me as I finally slip away from the world of sleep and into reality. The dreadful news I was given weighs heavily upon my shoulders, as though I was carrying the world.

I suppose I've always felt like that, the world on my shoulders. The constant need to save everyone, including myself. Fucking savior complex.

I come back to my original thought process, and regret it immediately as I'm reminded that I carry a manipulative sociopaths soul shard in my own soul. I remember thinking about everything that's happened to me in my lifetime, and it all adds up.

Dumbledore, the man I thought was the only one I could trust, turns out to be more of a manipulative liar than a man whose been trying to kill me. He has lied, or at least not told full truths and kept things from me for years upon years of my life. Every second I had been in his care, was a second I had somehow been in danger, despite the protective walls of Hogwarts.

He sent me to the Dursley's so I would trust those who helped me get away from their abusive ways, and so I would be easier to manipulate and forced into my role on his chess board.

Well I don't appreciate being manipulated, and I sure as hell am not going down without a fight. I know I'm magically powerful, and have amazing instincts that have carried me this far into my life. But I think it's time I learn a few new things to help me with my revenge on the old coot.

Who better to go to then the only other person I know hates Dumbledore as much as I do?

Voldemort, here I come.

Words: 394

Authors note:
Hey guys! ITS BEEN FOREVERRRRR😭 I'm so sorry about that, I honestly just lost motivation for this a while ago and then forgot about it. I've also been more on ao3 than wattpad recently, so I didn't notice how many people actually like my stories. Thx so much for the love and I'll try to post more regularly, but no promises!
Author out~

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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