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You're my yellow, but also my blue
My darkest of blues
My right person at the wrong time
My long walks at the beach kinda vibe
My destined but wasn't meant to be
My secret, a whole book of untold stories

And if I could choose again,
If memories could be revisited

Felt once more, and not just remembered,
Like an infinity, repeatedly, I would go back
Into places, into chapters,
Into pages I knew you existed
I would replay you, endlessly,
Like an old cassette,
A vinyl,
Or a classic Mustang car radio

But when I'll wake up to reality
And none of these are possible,
I won't limit myself of longing,
Of tears flowing,
Won't swallow bitterness,
Won't force my eyes and lips to mirror happiness
And I won't regret you
I don't regret you

I never did

'Cause you were both
My sanity and madness
My silence and scream
My reality and dream
My cries and laughter
My coldest of winter
My hottest of summer
Oh, you were both
My everything
My nothing
You are

And I got tired, so are you,
You gave up,
I let go,
But I will not regret you,
never will, I know

And now, so now,
We are nothing but memories
The remains of a life once had,
Once lived, once cherished
The pains of the past,
The what could be's
We are all but mem'ries
A slow, sweet yet painful melody

Plague ProsaicWhere stories live. Discover now