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I stood in the back of the hall, watching the ceremony. On the other side of the wall I stood by was England. He stood in the back on his side, watching everything take place. We watched as the poor Princess Isabella married the twenty-three-year-old Richard of England. Our allies were not here, only England and me, and it was for the ceremony's ending. I and England had to exchange a gift of friendliness to show that marriage symbolized peace.

I struggled to find something to give to a psycho like him, but I decided on something simple that I knew he would appreciate. I nearly went crazy trying to figure out what to give. It even made Aragon confused.

We all watched the ceremony curiously. The idea of marriage wasn't too confusing to me. People did it for money, political reasons, or to improve their well-being. I never thought much of it, it didn't seem too special to me. It was odd that humans did it for those reasons yet showed affection toward each other, like kissing. It was strange to me. I don't think I'd be able to kiss someone I'm forced to marry.

Once Princess Isabella and the King finished their part, the priest called upon England and me to come forth. "Here, we have our countries in a simple physical form. They each represent the people, land, government, and more. They would not be here without us and have endured the responsibility of the future of our nations. Their agreement will weigh more and will be recognized...can we have words of affirmation?" The priest asked.

Why did this feel like we were getting married too?

"Yes, I can go first. I want to offer my gratitude and cooperation to England. I will agree to use peaceful agreements forthcoming...to prove this, I have decided that my gift will be a bow and arrow, hand carved by one of our finest men in France," I started. I waved for someone to approach us, and they carried a case in front of England.

He stood silent and watched as the person opened the case to show him. Upon looking at it, he looked shocked, as if not expecting such a gift. I do have to admit that when choosing the gift, I thought of what his younger self would have liked. I suppose I am still an idiot for wanting the past. "The weapon represents the history of England and how much they have grown from a small nation."

England slowly smiled, staring at the gift, and it did something to me. It had been so long since I last saw him smile. He grabbed the case, and once he placed his hands on it, in acceptance, people began to cheer. He turned to show everyone, and everyone cheered with delight.

"Now you," the priest spoke. England nodded, handing the gift to someone that was near, and grabbed something from another person. "My words of affirmation will start with an agreement. I agree with the decisions made and will continue to be made as we work together. I promise peace with you for however long it takes. I hope that with this alliance, good will come to both of our kingdoms, and I will become a good ally," he started.

He spoke to me...not at me...and it was good.

He held up this small case and showed everyone. "Because of this, I am gifting Mr. France with something that I find excellent. Imported from China, the finest silk, in light blue," he spoke. My eyes widened as he opened up the case, showing the material.

It looked...

Like the color of the dress, I wore as a kid. That one had his blood stains on it that I could never get out. That dress is long gone by now.

He gestured for me to take the gift, and I slowly placed my hands underneath the bottom. It was a slow movement and led to our hands touching underneath.

I couldn't move, and I could see that he didn't bother to move his hands away, either. The cheers erupted, and we stood still as our hands touched from underneath.

We stared at each other, and it felt good.

His face was soft and made me feel better.

As I pulled the gift from him, our fingers rubbed against each other, and my heart rate increased. We both stood facing the crowd and walked to the side of the aisle as the King and new Queen took over.

England and I stood beside each other on the side, and I couldn't help but look at him from time to time. I wanted to talk to him about the gift he gave me. "I know what you are thinking...save it, it is a coincidence, that's all," he spoke.

"Hmm? Do you read minds? How do you know what I'm thinking now?" I asked. I tried not to laugh, and he looked at me. He rolled his eyes at me and laughed slightly. "Do you really believe this will last?" He asked.

I felt silent as he asked this. He looked at me seriously; he wanted an answer. "Maybe we should talk in private later?" I suggested. His lips formed a small smile, and I did the same in turn.

"I suppose I could spare a few minutes to hear what you have to say, but please don't piss me off. You do enough of that constantly," he chuckled. He continued to watch everyone celebrate, and I nodded. "No promises," I whispered.

I could tell he was trying to hold back a laugh, and it made me feel complete again. He must have been struggling this past month to accept this marriage, but it seems like he might be able to move on from our constant fighting.

At least for a little bit...

This is a truce, after all, and he is right. We will show peace for as long as this agreement lasts. That is all that matter now, keeping the peace and making the people happy. We might as well enjoy ourselves for the time being and not make it harder for either of us.

That's how I think, at least...

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