18 (final)

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"Shall we go with you?" Mr. Aragon asked. I nodded at my two main allies. We were on the field of Castillon. "Their forces are coming; they think we are retreating," Mr. Scotland spoke. I nodded at his words, taking out my sword. "They will come and will be met with blood! They know little of the strength of our combined army! We will meet England, Portugal, and his allies as they come for us. Mr. Aragon will meet against his brother Portugal, and Mr. Scotland will meet against Wales; I will deal with the wrath of England," I explained.

They both nodded at me, and I gestured for them to separate. They will take on other fronts with their men while I hold a stronghold. England did not know of my plans; I had stopped telling him information the closer I was getting to a final battle between us. I stopped getting letters from him, and anytime we met on the battlefield, I could tell he did not care much but hid it through his still face. I knew that England refused to call reinforcements, and I knew that we had a much greater force than he and his allies; this battle will be quick and bloody.

I will defeat him in front of everyone, and he won't let me win easily. I knew that he would continue to fight me as if we were really fighting. He would rather die than let people see him fight weakly. I knew him better than that. I only wondered how he would feel about the strength of the fighting. I knew he would lose many of his men. I was lucky enough to have a spy feed me information from his side. I knew every move he was going to make.

"THE ENGLISH! THEY ARE HERE!" A soldier shouted. I quickly snapped out of my daze and looked at my men as they prepared themselves. "FEAR NOT! TODAY IS THE DAY WE WILL FREE FRANCE FROM ALL HER ENEMIES!" I shouted. My eyes widened as I moved closer on horseback. I could see the battlefield in its glory—the lines of men across each other, the lines of canons. People with swords and bows and arrows, it was magnificent.

As I looked across, there was only one person I tried to look for. "Mr. France, on your word!" Many of the men spoke in unison. I pulled off my helmet and double-checked that my armor was securely on me. "WE SHALL CHARGE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT! FOR JEANNE! FOR THE KING! FOR GOD! AND FOR FRANCE!"

Cheers erupted, and I held up my sword to signal a 'charge.'

My men began running toward the English frontlines, and I followed behind, looking for my dearest, which I eagerly wanted to see. I moved quickly past many people as they began to fight and kill each other. The horrors of war have made me insensitive to looking at these aspects, but I ignored death for now.

"MR. FRANCE! BEHIND YOU!" a voice shouted. My eyes widened, and I quickly, without hesitation, turned around with my sword, blocking a sudden hit. "Did you think I would make it easy without toying with you first?" he laughed. He looked determined and oh-so attractive.

Something was wrong with me.

"My dear, I didn't realize you missed me this much!" I laughed. I pushed back his sword, and we both pointed them at each other. "Don't hold back on my account; I am prepared to feel the pain you will inflict!"

"Ah...I knew you were a sadist, but..."


We began fighting in the center, and some stopped to watch the progress." Even if I did not give up, I could tell this battle would have been an English loss; you have done very well! You have best me again," he laughed, striking me. I blocked his hit, and he pushed his sword down.

I used my leg to knock him off his horse, and he flew to the ground. I needed to use this opportunity.

England was on the ground, the weight of his armor too heavy for his young body to lift himself. I got off my horse quickly, taking off my helmet and throwing it to the ground beside him. At this point, I noticed he was trying to take off some of his armor so he could stand up. "I fucking hate this!" he yelled, trying to get up. I walked closer to him, pointing the sword at him.

He had taken off his helmet and looked at me, shocked. "Well, that did not take long for me...maybe armor is not the best thing," he laughed. I laughed at his response, gently placing the sword on his chest. "Do you surrender?" I asked. He shook his head and threw his arms back. "I can not surrender; you know what you have to do," he spoke.

I had paused all thoughts.

I didn't want to do this; I would rather him stab me.

At this point, fighting had begun to calm down, and those left alive near me began to watch as I hesitated to do the worst. "DO IT!" many shouted. I could not help but look into the eyes of England and feel sadness. Despite all the times he had hurt me, I did not want to hurt him. I was a soft person who did not like fighting. Maybe one day, there will be no need for that anymore.

"I don't think I can..." I spoke. It was quiet enough for only him to hear. "You must!" he demanded. I nodded at him, worried, and more of my men began to surround us. "Forgive me...my dearest..." I whispered.

I shut my eyes tightly, pushing down my sword. I heard the sounds of his flesh being pierced and his groans as he felt pain. Then cheers...the sound of France winning the battle. I felt tears fall down my cheeks and finally opened my eyes, seeing a disoriented England with blood coming out of his mouth. I pulled the sword out, tossing it to the side.

Some of the men tried to approach us, take him away, and throw him back to his side, but I stopped them. "It is customary that we deliver him," one of them spoke. I shook my head and watched as both our allies came to our side.

"ENGLAND!" Portugal shouted. He tried to approach me, but Aragon and Scotland stopped him. I fell to my knees beside England, and he held onto his torso in pain. "This sucks...I always forget how badly this hurts," he whispered. I laughed at what he said and began to lift his head. This was the first time anyone had ever seen us act this way toward each other.

"Mr. France?" Aragon asked. He tried to approach us, but I shook my head. "I will take him back..." I spoke. England looked at me, shocked, and everyone grew silent. This was the last and only way I could show him my affection before never showing myself to him again. "Okay..." he spoke.

"Here, you will be too heavy with all that armor," I laughed. I began to take off his armor, and some of mine, to make it easier to carry him. I was only supposed to take him back to his front, which would mark this battle's end. England still held onto his torso as he continued to bleed. He would pass out very soon; I was sure of it.

Everyone watched me as I lifted him into my arms. "Are you okay? does anything hurt?" I asked. England rolled his eyes at me and laughed. "Yes, I think my torso," he laughed. I smiled at what he said and walked past everyone's eyes. His front was not too far from where we were; it would not take long.

"You are going to get me in trouble," England gasped. He looked up at the sky, and I continued to stare, mesmerized. "I am sorry, but I need to do this before leaving your sight forever," I spoke. He looked at me slowly and shook his head. "We both know that won't really happen," he laughed.

He might have been right, but oh well.


As we approached the lines, his leaders looked at me, shocked. "The war is over...I have defeated England," I spoke. They still looked at me, shocked, and I looked around for a place to set him down. His blood was starting to stain my clothes. "You are such an idiot..."England whispered. I truly was...I was an idiot with affection for him.

I found a place to set him down and looked at his leaders. "I am sure a treaty will be the best option," I spoke. We would most likely discuss a treaty on another day. His people looked at me in shock, and I stood up from where I had placed him. "Be well..." I spoke to him.

"You as well..."

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