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Eddie fell first, but Steve fell harder.

It had originally been a way for the two of them to get it out of their system. Whatever it was. Just two bisexual young men looking to take out their frustrations on someone else. Their experiences differed, Steve having only ever had sex with girls, oh and that one time he'd given Seth Waters head in an upstairs bedroom at a house party, who had then promptly shoved him against the wall by his throat and told him if he 'ever told anyone about this then he would kill him. He wasn't 'one of them queers'.

So he'd never gotten to do much more exploration of his infatuation of the same sex. He'd dated Nancy Wheeler instead, then a slew of other girls after her, trying to shove down the things he felt about the other guys on the swim team or how he had to avert his eyes in the showers/locker room because he knew someone would notice if he stared too long. He wasn't necessarily scared of who he was or what these feelings meant, he was just happy to tuck them away in a box and shelve it for later because that was the easiest thing for him to do.

Eddie did have more experience with guys, but he'd never experienced what it was like to be loved. He hadn't ever thought he was capable of it nor was he ever really deserving of it, he'd been taught that from a young age. His experience with men was different, he had sucked a lot more dick than Steve had. He had had his fair share of nights in dingy motels hidden away in Indianapolis with men who just wanted to use his body, a quick fuck with a pretty twenty-something, maybe rough him up a little if they were closeted and didn't want their wives to find out. It was okay, it wasn't what he wanted but he had to get his kicks somehow.

It hadn't started out as anything special between the two of them, after Vecna, Eddie and Steve had ended up spending a lot more time together. Mainly because the two of them hated being alone. They had admitted fairly early on to each other that sleeping was an absolute nightmare (both figuratively and literally). Steve had explained how Robin would sometimes come over and they would share a bed, it had helped him sleeping next to someone. But of course if 'Eddie wasn't cool with that then it was totally fine, just a suggestion'.

Which is how the sleeping next to each other started, the two of them sharing a bed on occasion when they were too high to drive. Then just sharing a bed because it helped.

Steve had started smoking a lot because he found it calmed the constant anxiety gnawing at his insides, threatening to crawl its way up his throat and spill out onto the carpet like bad chinese food. Eddie well, the amount he smoked didn't really change but it was nice to have someone to smoke with. So more often than not, Steve would smoke up at Eddie's and then he'd be too high to drive, so Eddie would give him things to sleep in and they would eat pizza or cereal straight from the box and eventually stumble to Eddie's room and pass out.

Steve was right, Eddie found he did sleep better with someone next to him. It took him a little while to realise that it wasn't just because it was someone but that it was Steve. Steve Harrington, the guy who had carried him out of The Upside Down whilst he was choking on his own blood and his lungs rattled to within an inch of his life. The guy who had stayed with him whilst he was in hospital, read Lord Of The Rings to him when he was too tired or sore to actually hold the book himself. The guy who had the prettiest eyes Eddie had ever seen and a smile to match. Yeah, that Steve Harrington. But it took Eddie fucking forever to realise it because he was too caught up in how fucking good the sex was.

The sex had been a result of a conversation on one particularly stoned evening, Steve was grouchier than usual having been kept awake by a particularly bad nightmare that had shaken him right to his core and he hadn't been able to get back to sleep afterwards. He also hadn't wanted to wake Eddie up who for once seemed to be dreaming peacefully next to him, Eddie was usually a very twitchy sleeper but that night he seemed calm.

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