Elysium I

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This chapter will focus on the structure of the Elysian Empire, as a political and religious entity.

The National Flag

The National Flag

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Army Flag

Religious Flag

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Religious Flag

Religious Flag

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The empire itself is a Imperial Semi-Elective Republic. In this government the Emperor/Empress (Augustus/Augusta) share power with the more Republic part of the government. The Republic part of the government creates a senate, here senators from each province come to represent the people of their respected province, with the ruling monarch always representing their own. Along with the senators comes the clergy who represent religion in government, they are only here to keep the peace as no one would commit murder in front of them. The Ruling Monarch shares the highest of power with two others, the Consuls. One consul must always have taken part in the military at one point, while the other must always have taken part in being part of the common people. However, the consuls can come from any background as long as they have done at least on of those two things.

The religion the Empire follows is based off what Roman Emperor Constantine the Great beliefs, a combination of the old Roman faith, the cult of Sol Invictus, and Orthodox Christianity. It would be seen as a heresy in real life, but here it is the main faith called "Constantinian Christianity".

The current ruling dynasty is House Leo.

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