cblu - "established."

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17 years old, 📍BRONX, NEW YORK

CAMRIN wrapped his arms around my waist, laying his head on my shoulder. i smiled softly, resting my head on his as i leaned into his touch.
we were currently sitting on the couch in my living room, watching Family Guy as we waited for our friends Setdatrend and Dougie B to arrive at my house. we were all meant to go to a function in about an hour that my cousin, Kay Flock, was holding to celebrate him coming out of prison.
i sighed, glancing down at Camrins wrist watch to check the time. 7:36 pm. setty and dougie were meant to be here 15 minutes ago.

i looked down at camrin, seeing his eyes were now gently shut. i smiled to myself, hearing quiet snores erupt from his parted lips.
i rubbed his back as he slept, watching him shuffle slightly and feeling his hold around my waist loosen.
i looked back at the TV, watching silently as peter fought with a big yellow chicken over a grocery store coupon; trying my hardest not to laugh so Camrin wouldn't wake up.

a few minutes later i heard a car pull up in my driveway and two loud ass niggas talking as they walked up the porch steps.
they rang the doorbell 3 times, making me roll my eyes. these niggas so annoying.
camrin hadn't woken up, so i gently removed his arms from around me and laid him on the couch before i walked over to the front door.
i opened it coming face to face with setty who was already mugging me.
"why tf it take you so long to open the door?" he snapped, sucking his teeth.
"nigga shut the fuck up." i smacked my lips, looking at dougie who was standing behind him. "why the fuck are you niggas so late?"

setty didn't bother replying, instead he pushed past me and walked into my house with his dirty ass shoes on.
"SETTY TAKE YO FUCKIN BUSS UP FORCES OFF!! DON'T COME IN HERE FUCKING UP MY CARPETS!" i screamed after him, hearing him shout back "aight bitch." in reply. me n him was always arguing, but it was always in a sibling way.
dougie side hugged me, sliding off his shoes at the door.
"sorry we late El," he said, scratching his head. "setty was-." he paused, looking around. "traffic was bad." he finally said, walking past me into my house.

i huffed, closing the door and locking it. i walked back into the living room after dougie, seeing setty sitting on my couch with camrins legs on his lap. camrin was still sleeping. dougie just stood there, probably thinking the same thing as me.
"you niggas gay." we said at the same time, bursting out laughing afterwards.
setty flipped us both off, watching my TV.
i walked over to camrin, leaning down beside him. i gently shook his shoulders to wake him up, giggling when i heard him groan trying to move away.

"cmon cam, get up." i whispered, shaking him a little harder.
he opened his eyes slowly, smiling when he seen my face. "hey baby." he said happily, picking his head up to place a kiss on my lips.
he sat up, looking at dougie and setty with furrowed eyebrows.
"when the fuck you niggas get here?" he questioned, yawning loudly.
before either of them could reply, cam noticed his legs on settys lap and kicked him.
"man nigga-." he moved his legs off of set, standing up off the couch. "tf you got my legs on yo lap fo'?"
"bro fuck you, you was sleep and i ain't wanna wake you up. tryna be nice wit you niggas so fucking hard. all y'all can go somewhere else wit dat negativity." setty snapped, crossing his arms like a sassy 12 year old girl.
it went quiet until camrin started laughing mad loud, running around the room like every black mf does when they laugh.

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