notti - "puppy love."

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WARNING: this is not proof read!
"if you want me to, i'll share my heart. i'm not anxious, i'll tell the truth."

a random wave of loud laughter caused me to turn around in my seat, taking my attention away from the math lesson currently going on to look back at the obnoxious person that had disrupted the peace and quiet of the classroom.

i locked eyes with him for the first time in that moment. i remember the way my stomach swarmed with butterflies when he smiled at me, pausing whatever conversation he had going on with the person beside him to give me his full attention.

it felt like love at first sight. and maybe it was.

"you alright?" he asked me, leaning forward over his desk.
i nodded, exhaling softly through my nose. i hadn't realized i was holding my breath till then.
"yeah — you're just.." i meant to tell him that his laughing had distracted me, but i didn't want him to dislike me so i just shrugged. replying with a simple, "i'm okay, thanks."

he gave me a thumbs up, leaning back in his seat to continue talking to the boy sitting beside him.
i looked back at the board, trying to force myself to pay attention but i couldn't.
the math teacher hadn't even turned around when that boy started laughing loudly, no one in the class even looked back at him.
i guess they were used to it. i wouldn't have known, since i had only just transferred to the class the day before and on that day the boy happened to be 'absent'.

usually, i never took a liking to loud people. people that were careless, obnoxious, and probably rude.
but something about the boy seemed so different to me. and he didn't exactly seem like a rude person, so i technically had no reason to dislike him.

after i had forced myself to get back on my train of thought, a paper ball landing on my desk snapped me right back out of it.
i had quickly picked it up, glancing at the boy behind me.
he smiled back, gesturing for me to open it.

i did so, and in big words and messy handwriting in the middle of the paper i read the words,
'My Name is Notti :)'

i giggled softly, a wide smile breaking out onto my face.
i grabbed my pencil from my desk, flipping the paper over to write on the back,
' Hi Notti :) i'm Y/n'

i made sure the teacher wasn't looking before i crumbled it back into a ball and tossed the paper back onto his desk, hiding my head in my hands as i heard the paper crumple, meaning he was opening it.

"she jackin me, she jackin me!" the boy who i had just found out went by the name, Notti, said to the boy beside him.
i heard him rip out a new piece of paper from his notebook, quickly scribbling something on it. he crumbled it into a ball and threw it on my desk, accidentally hitting my shoulder in the process.

"sorry!" i heard him whisper yell.
i opened the paper ball, reading over the new message from Notti.

' U R pretty, Y/n'
with a drawing of a tiny heart beside it.

i blushed, kicking my feet under my desk.
notti passing me notes was the cutest thing i had ever experienced, and the fact he was so innocently flirting with me made it even cuter.

i decided i wasn't going to write back to him, and that instead i was going to turn around and reply verbally.
i turned around, leaning over my chair.
Notti had been looking down and hadn't noticed i was turned around, so his friend slapped him on the arm, gesturing over to me staring back at him.

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