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Tyquan and notti was looking more stressed then usual lately, yall knew they had school almost everytime so yall thought it was maybe the school work that was getting them all tired. Anytime everyday was getting lit they would either be in they rooms, sleep, or just watching it all happen.

"yall good twins?" Ddot asked sitting across from notti and Tyquan looking a bit concern. Tyquan just nodded while notti just have him a thumps up closing his eyes and laying down. "This ain't like them- like they would be hyped all the time.." Madi pointed out havin a frown on her face.

"Well I wouldn't worry too much, maybe its school-" andray had said shrugging. "Nobody asked u my Nigga" "yeah nobody cares." Azaylia and Melissa said. Andray just rolled his eyes. "Its sum, and imma go ask them about it." Madi went downstairs and sat down next to tyqaun. "Yall alr?" Madi asked getting a rubber band and putting tyty hair in a bun.

"Why do yall keep asking us that?" Tyqaun exclaimed sounding upset. "Nah fr gang, like we just chilled out we good." Notti said with a fake smile on his face giving madi a thumps up. "Yeah I ain't believing that shit." Vonie and Kai then came into the room.

"We good yall, why yall bothering us? We just chillin gang-" tyquan then got up from the couch moving away from the millions of questions yall were asking him. He was starting to get annoyed.

"Do u think it could be pills that they take?" Vonie whispered into ddots ear so notti wouldn't hear, not that he was playing attention to yall anyways- "well for notti no, when he takes his he becomes more energetic but with tyty yeah probably. He doesn't take his alot so he prolly decided to take his today." Ddot explained shrugging, vonie nodded.

"Man im tired ill catch yall later.." Notti got up from the couch going upstairs to his room them he shutted and locked the door.

Its been a few hours and notti still hasn't left his room, tyty went in his an hour ago and hasn't left his either. "Damn, they really went depressed on us-" Vinnie said almost laughing. "U not funny my Nigga." Kymani said mugging Vinnie. "🙄im yo big bro so u cant be talking to me like that." He exclaimed rolling his eyes.

"Brother or not ill still beat yo ass." Kymani said laughing. "Dang she just put u on basted-" Xavier said acting shocked an shit. "Shut yo instigating ass up." Melissa slapped the back of his head.

"Ow damn-" yeah she hit hardd- "let's party-hardy" mykel said getting up from the couch putting his hands on his hips. Everyone just looked at him weirdly-

"Sit yo ass down Jeffrey fucking dahmer." Dd said mugging him. "Well damn, can we ever be on the same page for once-" mykel sat down rolling his eyes. "Awwh the baby is pouting-" Melissa said grabbing mykel by his cheek. Mykel just ignored her. He know damn well he like being treated like a baby.

"Alr me and mia out of here, goodnight mahearts-" ddot then picked Mira up bridal style and carried her upstairs. "Nigga if u don't put me down-" ddot rolled his eyes. "Stfu."



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My baby dd so cute OMG<33

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