The Moon

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The stars in the night sky are beautiful. their lights that grace the sky wax and wane and yet find ways to make their mark on the night sky. It is merely a canvas for those gracious and divine artists. The sky was a blur. The lights that blessed it mixed and merged with the blur. I was running. No. I was sprinting. It was as if I were in a marathon. The one difference being, I was running from others, not against them. I can't seem to remember who they are, or why they are after me for that matter. It will be fine though. That voice at the back of my mind soothed my nerves. Before any thoughts that may cause a stutter in my escape, this voice shot them down. It was as if someone were whispering in my ear. This could never have been the truth though, for in a world clouded in smoke and confusion, very few can be trusted. I have no idea where I was running to, only that I would be willing to risk anything to escape. I was getting higher. My mind screamed at me to look down but my heart just begged me to keep moving. Survival was key. I was on a roof. I had no where to go. I looked around, just to be met with disappointment. I had run up some kind of sky scraper. I remembered something. I was down there, before, something happened and suddenly everyone was rushing around the rooms. Some kind of secret organisation. People crying out in pain. Blood. Then the blur that was the sky. Over half of the building was just glass. The sky was constantly visible. I looked below me. Blood. More blood. Everywhere, blood. Heels. Why was I wearing heels? Surely any sane person wouldn't run up a skyscraper in heels. I was wearing a dress as well. There must have been a party. No wonder so many people were at this building. Some kind of celebration occurred here, and someone decided it would be the perfect opportunity to cause a massacre. I looked up at the sky. The moon shone brighter than any star. It lit up the entire city. I looked out over the city. It seemed calm. Those who lived here should enjoy it while they can. If what happened tonight was only the beginning of the plot that caused this horrific night, then anyone who remained in this cursed city would experience a catastrophic series of unfortunate events.

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