The Sun

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Daybreak broke. The sun rose, breaking the heavens with its divine rays. I had slept against the rooftop door. If anyone tried to come back and finish me, I would at least be alerted. As I arose, I examined the outfit I was wearing in closer detail. It was a black dress, open back, with a cut that allowed my leg to hang out. My heels were pure black as well, with slight pointed tips at the end. A slight but harsh breeze blew through me. I resisted the urge to shiver and instead had another look around the surrounding area. Like last night, the building seemed to drip in blood. I couldn't seem to remember why I was at this building yet, or what exactly happened last night but it wasn't the top priority. What I currently needed to do was get out of this building and discover what sinister plot was happening in the city. I crept towards the door. Whatever happened last night was clearly planned to the last dot. I opened the door. Despite the mass amounts of glass used in the construction of the building, the staircase somehow remained dark. Judging by the glass, the building must have specially tinted glass that keeps the sunlight out. I walked down the stairs, attempting to eliminate the chance of sound that could be created by my heels. 

I arrived at a floor soaked in blood and bodies. I wanted to gasp, but I bit down on my tongue to stop the noise from escaping my mouth. I could hear an odd noise. It sounded as though something were tearing into... flesh. I peeked around the corner and saw the shadow of something on the wall. A flashlight had been left, abandoned near someones hand. Since no one else would be using it, I took it. In a building this dark, I could use a little light. The shadow was hunched over something, tearing it apart. The noise was more sickening the closer I got. I looked around a final corner and discovered a person, hunched over a body. Both were covered in blood. The person was in a torn up suit with cuts all over. My eyes widened in shock. This man who was hunched over the body was... deavouring it. He tore into the flesh ravenously. Blood dripped from his mouth to the ground. A puddle soaked his legs. I searched around me for anything that could knock the man unconscious. Just behind the man was a body that clutched a bloodied pipe in its hand. A brief sigh left my lips as I crouched low and snuck up behind the man. Slowly, I ripped the pipe out of the grasp of the hand. The hand fell against the floor, echoing through the corridor. I held my breath, staring into the back of the mans head. Slowly, the thing turned its head to face me. I had never seen a more shocking sight in my life. His eyes were pale and blank, revealing no emotion or sign of life. His skin had turned an awful shade of grey and showed many signs of erosion. His entire body had blood covering it. His mouth opened, letting out a ghastly screech. He lunged forwards. I ducked backwards, swinging my fist into his face, pipe first. It went through his head, right to the back. His body ceased all movement as he collapsed against the floor. I pulled out the pipe, cautious in case he attempted another attack against me. 

"That was not an invitation to talk to me." I muttered under my breath as I got back up.

 Whatever this thing was, it clearly wasn't natural and was caused by whatever happened last night. It didn't make sense, but this thing was just like the zombies you see in horror movies. The only difference was that this thing seemed even more grotesque and disturbing. His head tilted back and the flesh where the pipe had penetrated revealed itself. The thing had clearly been human before but something had caused it to mutate into an undead flesh eater. A bang against the wall next to me released me from my train of thoughts. I walked closer. Another bang. I stared into the wall and saw the movement of shapes behind it. More bangs. The wall was glass. The things behind the wall were the same things that I had just stabbed a pipe into. I saw cracks form. I cursed. The glass shattered. I ran. The chase begun. 

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