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Once again, I was sprinting. This time however, I had a ravenous and unforgiving enemy after me. I had no opportunity to look behind me, however I could easily tell that I was being chased by at the very least, a small horde. Enough to tear me limb from limb in a matter of seconds. The floor was littered with corpses. I awkwardly weaved in and out, between the bodies. As I rushed further down the corridor, more of the "walls" began to shatter. Even more of the undead were adding to this cursed horde. I skidded round a sharp corner, my hips lightly grazing against the edge. I pushed on. At the end of the corridor I spotted an elevator. Whoever owned this building, they were clearly rich and fancy as the doors to said elevator opened vertically. I felt the hand of one of the abominations lightly brush against my back. I sped up. I felt disgusted that such a being had dared to touch me. I leaped over body after body. As I grew ever so closer to the elevator, I prepped the flashlight in my hand. Carefully aiming, I launched the flashlight inside the elevator, hitting the button to go down. The doors started their decent. Gracefully, I dropped down and skidded across the remaining floor, ducking low. I entered the elevator just as the doors shut. I glanced behind me, witnessing a final glance of the horde, but a mere hairs length away before the door separated us. The flashlight had unfortunately cracked from the impact of the throw. The elevator begun its decent into the depths.

The doors opened to a parking garage. The place was desolate and dark. I cautiously stepped out examining my surroundings. There was an exit gate across the room, passcode activated. I walked up to it to get a better look. I felt something cold jab into my back.

"Not another step."

There was someone behind me, holding me at gunpoint. Slowly, I raised my hands and said I was unarmed.

"Listen, I'm not here for trouble, I just want out of here." I said, not daring to turn. It wasn't out of fear however, but more that whoever was holding the gun may get skittish and shoot.

"Impossible. No one knows the code, and even if anyone did, once you open that gate, an alarm is set off. You'd attract every one of those blood thirsty fiends within a five mile radius." The voice was cold but kept a hint of fear.

I thought about what this person was telling me. For a moment, I felt lost. If an alarm went off the second the code was entered, then in theory, I could still get out of the building and cover enough distance to get away from any of the dead before they could reach the garage. Moments passed by in silence before I dared to turn around. The person kept the gun carefully aimed at my chest. It was a man, most likely in his early 20s. He had fluffy dark hair and the kind of emerald green eyes that couldn't help but stare into your soul. Though it was day outside, the garage remained dark, making it difficult to describe his features accurately. He had a suit, or what was once a suit on. The trousers had multiple tears in them, and the shirt he wore was covered in blood. He had fancy dress shoes on, also covered in many splatters of blood and a loose tie that hung from his collar. It was difficult to tell much about him, other than the fact that he must have been one of the people who attended the party.

"Can you remember anything that happened before or after the party last night?" I asked. The man seemed to be caught off guard by the question, he lowered the gun and shook his head.

"Of course I remember. Who could forget."

"Do you mind telling me then?" It was less of a question and more of a demand. Instead of answering however, he laughed. His head continued to shake before he looked back up at me.

"If you get me out of here, I'll tell you everything you want to know." He said, slowly going over to a bench in the corner. I sighed, pacing in a small line.

Hours had passed and still nothing. The sun had gone down by now. I had been sitting, back against a pillar.

"What's your name?" I asked, staring across the room at the man.

He let out a slow sigh before responding. "Oscar". He slowly got up from the bench, heading towards the machine that opened the gate. I just stared. From my position, I couldn't see what he was doing. He seemed to be frantically checking the machine for any hint of a way to escape. As he did this, a side door burst open. The sound echoed through the garage and for a moment everything was quiet. Then it wasn't. One of the zombies, as Oscar had called them, had fallen against the door, sending it flying open. I quickly rose and Oscar rushed to the pillar to see what had happened. We stared at it for a moment. Maybe we could take it out before it noticed us. Then more started to walk through. I ran to the elevator praying for a quick escape, but the doors opened to reveal certain doom. A small group of them must have found their way into the elevator while I was down here. As the doors opened an arm rushed at me, attempting to grab me. I quickly stepped back but another one, fully out of the elevator by now lunged at me. I had no time to react. I didn't know what to do.

A bullet flew past my ear, into its head. Oscar. He had shot it before it could grab me. "thanks" I said turning to run back towards him. More zombies started to come through the side door. The sound from the bullet must have alerted them that there's still food to be eaten. Oscar started to shoot more of the zombies that got too close but eventually he was going to run out of bullets. While he continued to fight them off, I went to gate, attempting to find a way to get out of here. I searched all around the area but the code was still yet to be found. In a panic I kicked the machine. It started to hum. Then the gate lifted. A sudden wave of relief flew over me, till I heard the scream. I turned to see a zombie tear away from Oscar, flesh from his arm still in its mouth. I didn't know how to react. I called to him that the gate was open and that now was our chance to escape. He shook his head.

"I've been bit. I can't be saved now. Go, quickly." He said. My legs refused to move. The alarm he had mentioned went off. More of the zombies were heading towards him now. He turned to look at me. "GO!" he shouted tossing his gun towards me. I picked it up. "I'm sorry." I whispered under my breath before sliding under the gate. When the alarm went off it must have started it descent, as I found it closed once more, only I was on the other side this time. I took one last look as they swarmed him, tearing him to pieces. I started walking up to the main street. I passed an abandoned police car with ammo and a utility belt. I took both. The belt had a radio and came with a holster which came in handy for my new gun. As I searched the car for anything else, I discovered a police ID in the back. Oscar Tomson. The ID belonged to Oscar. I felt sorry for him. I took the ID with me as I continued to the main street.

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