The Hanged Man

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The main street. The alarm going off hadn't caught the attention of the zombies on the streets which was at the very least, helpful. If it had, they would have most definitely swarmed me by now. It certainly made getting away from the garage a lot easier. Whilst it helped to make the journey away from the building easier, that didn't mean it would at all be an easy journey. In fact, it would still remain incredibly difficult to go through the main street. crashed cars littered the streets, minor fires burned, blood covered the paths and more. A body hung from a light post, catching the attention of a small group of the creatures.  shooting them would certainly make things easier for me, but the sound of the gun would just be a dinner bell for any nearby zombies. If I couldn't get through the main street without the high risk of one of the freaks noticing me, then I'd have to try a different approach. I took this as an opportunity to properly get a scan of my surroundings. aside from the chaos and zombies, a lot of the area seemed deserted. Most of the population was either able to evacuate, or had been eaten. There was a low chance that there would be anyone else unlucky enough to still be on this island. From what I could see in the nearby area, there was mainly flats surrounding the main street, with a few shops dotted around the place.  There was a shop quite close behind me that seemed to be in good enough condition for a temporary shelter. I read the sign just above the door as I entered. "Noir outfitters" I muttered. While I was here a change of clothes would be nice. I went around the mannequins grabbing whatever looked nice. 

As I walked out of the changing rooms I noticed something wasn't right. As I scanned the room I noticed that the room seemed a lot darker than I had previously thought. I couldn't have taken that long changing. I began to head back to the main room, with all the mannequins and clothes. As I grew closer to the door that led through to that room however, I thought that I could hear banging. Surely the zombies couldn't have discovered I was in here. I prepped my gun, making sure I had bullets and, as I turned off the safety, entered the room. The shutters had come down, blocking out all light that came from outside. The banging was zombies against them. The lights in the main room had been turned on, and sitting at the desk was a woman with light brown, curly hair. I cleared my throat. Her head snapped round to face me, raising a knife in the same moment, and got up from where she sat. I had my gun aimed at her head. We didn't say anything for a moment before I broke the silence.

"Was the shutter you?" I asked.

"Well obviously, who else could it have been." She practically spat at me.

"Alright then. Look I don't want to start anything I'm just trying to get out of this stupid city." 

She started laughing. "There's no getting out of here. All of the bridges that lead out of the city have been blow up and there's no more evacuations happening. We're stuck here, for good." She lowered her knife and went back to her desk. I didn't know what else to say. She kicked her legs up onto the desk and took a cloth from her pocket to clean her glasses. She looked like an office siren, with her secretary glasses, black leggings and skirt, and white shirt. her brown her was neatly tucked behind one ear, and for someone who was trapped on an island infested with the dead, she seemed rather calm. 

"I see that you've stolen one of our outfits, but considering the circumstances, I suppose I'll let you have it" the woman said, still cleaning her glasses. The outfit she had mentioned was the first one I had seen when I ran into the shop. Since a dress seemed rather inappropriate for the situation, it only made sense to borrow something to wear. The outfit I now had on was similar to the lady's, only I had chosen to wear pinstripe trousers instead of a skirt. The whole shop was filled with suits of all kinds, leaving little option for a change. There was no shoes anywhere so I had to keep the heels. 

"Whats your name then?" I asked the lady.

"Jade". she seemed to have no interest in anything that was going on.

"You weren't in the shop before when I came in. Where were you with those things out there?"

Jade sighed. "I was trying my luck at the docks. They're close to here. I heard there was people who got hold of a ship to get off the island but before I could get there I was surrounded. I got away by the skin of my teeth. I'm not risking it out there again so I'm staying put. For good." 

"But if there's a way to get off the island surely you should take it? We could both get out of here" I replied.

Jade got her legs off the desk now and seemed frustrated with the question. "Look, I'm not leaving this shop again. I'd rather starve in here than be killed by those things out there. You're more than welcome to fight your way to the docks though. There's a door in the back. One way. Once it's shut it's not opening again from the outside. And believe me, I'm not opening it for anyone." With that, she turned her head to the desk. The conversation was evidently over. I headed back through into the back and found the door Jade had mentioned. I didn't know how to feel leaving her without anything to defend herself, but she seemed to have enough faith in the shutters and this door. I slowly opened it to peak my head around the corner. None of the abominations in sight. I took one last moment to check my gun. I had reloaded it as I entered the shop before. I opened the door and headed out. 

The door led out to a closed off area at the back of the shop, where they would have kept bins etc. Blood had splattered the walls back here and a dead body lay still up ahead. I allowed the door to shut. No going back now. 

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