Thunder, Thunder, Thunder!!

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A California Roll is arguably one of the most iconic dishes in L.A. A californian take on traditional sushi that's just as delicious, but without raw fish. A California Roll is makizushi rolled inside-out with cucumber, crab, and avocado. Normally the rice is sprinkled with toasted sesame or tobiko.


Jun can't believe what he just ate. He really thought he could have some decent japanese food in the U.S., but in reality, he just had a taste of a reason for Japan to wage war on the Land of Opportunity. The boy brushes his teeth, pays for the "food" and leaves the restaurant.

This is Jun's first time in Los Angeles. However, right now, he's not interested on a tour around the City of Angels' famous spots. He calls a cab and heads to his main goal - the Duel Academy.

The U.S. unit of the Duel Academy was the second to be founded by Kaiba Corp, and is already considered a respected instituition among the country. In comparison to other units, the americans won two of the current nine GenEx Tournaments - and hold a famous rivalry with the Australia unit. This year, their representant is an old acquaintance of Jun.

Arriving at the school, Jun sees a building very similar to the one in Japan. The big difference is the presence of lots of cars parked on the campus, with students gathering around while listening to music and talking to each other. It really feels like a Netflix adaptation of Jun's school.

_ Pft! Americans...

The duel arena is also similar to the one at Japan. Passing through the bleachers, Jun spots some students hanging on out there. The uniform is also the same - gray jacket, white shirt, black pants and a tie colored after the student's ranking. The americans, however, wear their uniform more casually than the japanese. It even seems like Jun is looking at a bunch of Yutas and Judais.

When the japanese boy approaches, the other students look at him, intrigued. Some whisper to each other while a girl walks closer to Jun.

_ Can we help you?

_ Don't worry, guys, I know this one.

Before Jun could flex his english skills, a guy responds for him. Jun looks up at one of the bleachers - a fit, black skinned boy with an afro undercut looks at him with a smirk on the face. He walks down the bleachers, wearing a white Houston Rockets jersey beneath the school's gray jacket.

_ I thought you were joking when you said you were coming here, Jun.

_ I'm a man of word, O'Brien.

Austin O'Brien is one of the biggest uprising stars of Duel Monsters. A talented duelist with strong personality, O'Brien won the Middle School World Tournament two years ago. In this tournament, he defeated another talented duelist - the Japan's middle school champion at the time, Manjoume Jun.

_ So, what do you want in here? I imagine you didn't come just to say hi.

Jun smirks.

_ I want to duel you again, O'Brien! 8000 LP. Right here, right now.

The other students on the arena approach as things get more interesting. Did that boy came all the way from Japan just to duel their best freshman? Austin laughs at Jun's proposal.

_ Well, I'm always up for a duel, Jun. But, c'mon, what are you REALLY here for?

Jun clenches his fists. He thinks about everything that happened to him this year. Thinking about it right now, his decay actually began two years ago, when he lost to Austin. But this time, things will be different. Jun is done of being a loser.

_ I want your spot as the U.S. representant at the GenEx Tournament. If you lose, the title is mine.

Everyone laughs, with the exception of Austin, who just stops right there without any expression. That outsider must be crazy. Austin turns to the other students and calls their attention.

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