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The low rumbling sound of the coffee maker echoed through the kitchen. Dean leaned against the counter while he waited for his mug to be full. He didn’t like to be woken up so early but Bobby called them with a new case. Another hunter started working on it a couple of days ago and has not been heard from since. 

He picked up his now warm mug taking a drink of it as he walked out of the kitchen and went towards his room. Sam sat in the library going over a couple of books trying to research the case already. Dean ignored him as he walked by. There was tension in the air still lingering from the last hunt they went on. That hunt did not end on a good note. Sam was taken and used as bait to lure Dean in.

 The vamps knew that two hunters were after them and once they spotted Sam by himself they devised a plan. Dean knew it was a trap and went in anyway willing to do anything to save his younger brother. The two of them eventually escaped killing off the remaining vamps with some scars to show for it. Occasionally the two of them would bicker and fight, but that was normal. When you are stuck with someone every day it’s bound to make you go a little crazy once in a while. 

They drove down the highway not too far from their destination now. Sam is next to him and has been asleep for the last couple of hours of their long drive. Sam moved slightly, making Dean glance over at him. Sam's sleeve slightly moved up revealing his soulmark. Dean had always been jealous of his brother. Sam's mark read ‘sorry I wasn't working last night’. Compared to Deans 'what's the matter, you don’t think you deserve to be saved?’. He was envious, of course, he would never admit that though. 

All his life he had felt alone. When they were younger it was Dean always taking care of Sam with their father off on hunts constantly. Sam did cheer him up when he was down but then Sam up and left. Those years left alone with his father were the worst of all.

He looked forward to getting his mark on his 14th birthday, but now he is haunted by them. Through the years the mark made him feel less alone, but there was always a downside in his life. The downside with the mark is when he finally does meet his soulmate he would have to leave them. There was no way he would put anyone through this. Being a hunter you don’t expect much in life but to save people and hopefully not die in the process. No way he would drag someone through all of that.

Sam’s eyes fluttered open as the car came to a stop. Dean grabbed his bag from the back and went to get them a room while Sam collected his things. Soon they walked into the room dropping their bags. “Well I say quick shower, some dinner then start the case in the morning,” Dean said, making sure his keys were in his hand. Sam nodded and followed Dean out the door. 

The sound of an alarm clock next to his bed woke Dean up from his sleep. He reached his hand out slamming it then sat up rubbing his face. Sam sat at the table, his eyes glued to the computer screen in front of him. Dean stood up, grabbed his suit, and headed to the bathroom to change.

Once he was done he sat in the chair across from his brother. “So found anything?” he asked, raising his brow.  “Not much I can’t find anything similar in any way even Bobby is stumped ” Sam answered, adjusting in his seat. Dean nodded and quickly looked over the work Sam was doing. 

“How about we go to the lab then the witness,” Dean said standing up and grabbing his keys. Sam also got up, grabbed his clothes, and headed toward the bathroom. “But first breakfast” Dean called out to the younger brother. Sam shook his head as he walked into the bathroom shutting the door behind him to change. 

 Dean walked out to his car leaning against his door. He watched as a family packed into a car not too far from his own. Once the children were in the parents took a step back sighing. The husband wrapped his arms around the wife's waist smiling at each other after a quick kiss. She moved her arm down covering the husband's soulmate tattoo with her own seeing a small blue light eliminating off of them.

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