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 Dean walked out of the bathroom in his suit seeing Cas looking through his bag. He didn't think much of it rolling his eyes. "We will go to the scenes and then the lab to see if we can find anything" Dean said, grabbing his keys. Castiel nodded, putting the bag down on the bed next to where he was sitting.

Dean was just thankful he didn't have to teach Cas about what monsters are or how to kill them. He is more relaxed since he can skip the whole conversation about what they are and what to look for. Though Cas is an angel and not a hunter he still has a wide knowledge about everything supernatural. In the past Dean would try to think of ways to break it to his soulmate about hunting but having it end up like this is a win in Dean's eyes.

They went to the houses of the victims followed by the lab. The only similarity was the victims were soulmates with their attackers. Those accused though all had strong alibis, not one of them showing any signs of lying. "Any ideas?" Dean huffed, leaning against his car. "No one was lying and there was nothing remarkable about any victim. There are many soulmate pairs all over, so that does not help much...what's the next step?" Cas asked.

A cool breeze passed by them as they stared into each other's eyes. The night was quickly approaching them as they thought about what to do next. Dean's thoughts started to wander off as he stared ahead at Castiel, eyes moving up and down the angel's body scanning him. Thoughts about his soulmate started to dance around his head. Angels don't do cases or choose to stay on earth for very long. What all was he sacrificing to stay here with Dean?

Castiel tilted his head slightly like he was trying to read Dean's mind. His life never having a dull moment since meeting this strange human. He's been alone since his creation watching his peers find their soulmates while he was one of the few without one. As soon as his words appeared he never felt so lost and confused. No angel ever said those words to him so why were they appearing? He studied whatever he could and asked around but no one ever had answers for him, that is until he met the green eyed hunter.

A honk of a horn nearby shook them both out of their thoughts. "Shifters like to hide, maybe try dark underground places, that's where me and Sam have found a couple before" Dean said, lifting himself from the car. "It's a good start" Cas said, moving to the passenger door. They drove back to the motel so Dean could change back into his normal clothes then started their journey.

The two of them found the opening to the sewers close to the last crime scene. "After you" Dean said, glancing at the darkness below. Castiel nodded and jumped down, getting a good look around. Dean was close after bringing his flashlight out of his jacket to see his surroundings. "Need one?" Dean asked motioning to the flashlight in his hand. "No I see perfectly fine in the dark" Castiel answered, starting to walk deeper. Dean rolled his eyes walking next to the angel.

They walked through the sewers side by side not talking much just looking for any sign of the shifter. Once the place was scanned thoroughly they decided to just head back up for now. Dean started to feel hungry as the night time passed them by. Before heading to get food Dean decided that a shower was for the better given he spent the last few hours in a sewer.

Back at the motel Dean turned on some cartoons for the angel trying to teach him a bit more about the human race, and what better way then the best kid cartoons. After a quick shower Dean walked into the room now smelling fresh with his hair still slightly damp. The first thing he saw was Castiel sitting in front of the tv not having moved a single inch since he left. "That good huh?" Dean asked, taking a seat on the edge of the bed next to Castiel.

"Yes I see the appeal" Cas answered not moving his eyes from the screen in front of them. Dean felt a smile spread across his face as he watched his soulmate enchanted by the cartoon. He focused his eyes on the angel's face capering every detail he could. Could it be that he was attracted to a guy? All these years he has felt anything for another man but then again he never felt anything for a woman either.

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