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Dean woke up with a massive headache making him sit up slowly looking around the room. Sun shines through the curtains that remain closed, everything in the room looking the same as when they left yesterday. One thing Dean notices while scanning the room is the lack of a brother. The bathroom door was wide open with no one inside of it. He looked over at the clock and groaned to himself seeing he slept in till almost noon. To him that was almost unheard of.

He sat there rubbing his face with his hands, then grabbed his bag next to the bed taking a few painkillers. Quickly he got up, deciding to shower to get the stench off of him. All he smelled around him was booze. He knew he went a little too hard last night on the drinks, but it was for a good reason. At least he told himself it was a good reason. His thoughts catching back up to him as he remembered yesterday. He shook his head trying to push back his feelings and get ready for the day.

By the time he walked out of the shower Sam was back sitting at his chair writing a couple things down in a notebook. Dean walked over a smell capturing him in. He sat down across from his brother seeing the burger on the table. He looked at Sam with a big smile across his face. "Eat up, we are leaving soon" Sam said looking up to meet his brother's gaze. Dean nodded his eyes focusing back on the burger as he ate in silence.

They walked into the car after checking out of the motel. It was nice to go back to the bunker, a place they call home. They live there mainly with Bobby stopping in occasionally or Charlie but besides that they don't have many visitors. Dean was focused on driving, playing the same songs over. If anything can clear his head it's the open road along with some of his favorite songs.

"So gonna tell me what happened last night?" Sam asked looking up from his book. "Nope" is all Dean said, turning the music up trying to drown out his brother. Sam shot his hand up, turning the music off completely. "Come on, Dean, you can talk to me" Sam said, eyes focusing on his brother's stiff face. Dean let out a sigh and glanced at his brother then back to the road in front of him.

"It wasn't anything just..." Dean didn't know whether to tell Sam about his soulmate or just wait it off for as long as he could. "'s weird if they were real how come no one has ever seen one" Dean said shifting a bit in his seat. "Well we just saw some...after you fell asleep I got to talk to Castiel he said-'' before Sam could finish the sentence Dean swerved a bit on the road giving a death glare to his brother. "If you want to talk to angels man have it be anyone but cas" Dean finally said.

Sam rolled his eyes looking at the road. They sat in silence for a bit till Sam spoke up "he didn't seem all that bad you know...he told me a bit about angels". Dean clenched his fist tighter on the steering wheel and glanced at Sam. He didn't want to think about that, not about angels. Why has no one seen them? How was one his soulmate? What does he do now? Questions kept pouring into his head. Shaking them off he turned the music back on focusing on driving as Sam went back to his book.

They arrived back at the bunker to a friendly face waiting for them. Bobby was sitting in the library reading some of the boys' books. "Well isn't this a nice surprise" Dean said, smiling at the man before giving him a quick hug. They sat their bags down close by then it was Sam's turn to give his friend a welcoming hug. "Well after Sam called me about your guys angel problem I figured I was overdue for a trip" Bobby said sitting back down.

The boys sat at the table as they talked about the night before. They told Boby what they have learned about angels so far. That is everything but for Dean's little problem. Dean wasn't quite sure he should say anything about the soulmate bond to his closest family. It was all too strange and confusing he didn't want to add these two into the mess that's for sure.

"Well I'll be damned" is all Bobby said after Sam explained the story. After Dean went to bed Sam found out from Cas a couple things about angels like their weapons, teleportation, and never needing to eat or sleep. They sounded amazing the way Sam was describing them at least. Dean wanted an out from the conversation but didnt know how to do it. Before he could come up with anything they heard a knock on the door.

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