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Dean's eyes fluttered open as he began to wake. All he could hear was the strong wind pushing against the windows of the room. Looking around he could see a dark house with what looked like rotting wood. There was barely any furniture besides a couch, bed, small table, and a pile of trash. The worst part of it all though was the awful smell surrounding the room. He was alone with his only light source being a dimly lit candle.

He tried to move but realized his wrists were strapped tight above his head by a rope. His body was hanging with his knees hitting the hard floor. The more he tried to free himself or stand he couldn't, feeling too weak. It was hard moving his legs, pain shooting through his body whenever he tried.

The door to the house bursted open revealing the same 30 year old from the diner. Dean knew that had to be the shifter but what was his goal here. He has been killing locals in their own homes so why go after him now. Then his mind caught up with him, he only had one thought, Cas. Where is he? Did the shifter hurt him? He wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened to his angel.

"Good you're up" the shifter said walking towards the table not too far from the hunter. Dean shot him a glare as he tried to stand up again, failing. "I wouldn't try to get up pretty useless given I took precautions in breaking them" the shifter continued smirking. "Where's Cas?" Dean spit out the anger filling him up more.

There was nothing he cared more about at the moment. If he lived or died didn't matter as much as his soulmate. As long as Cas was okay Dean would be able to relax a little and focus on his own situation. There must be a way out after all there always is, but if something happened to Cas how could he live with himself?

"Oh your soulmate? He's fine...that is until he finds your dead body" the shifter answered as he walked into the dark corner. Dean let out a sigh of relief to himself, dropping his head. As long as Cas was okay he could focus on getting back to him. He wanted to get out of there and back to the angel.

He felt a smile on his face thinking about seeing his angel again. First he would apologize and embrace his soulmate accepting Cas for all he is. Next well he would tell Sam and Bobby about it all not wanting to hide away anymore. They could be together. All he had to do was survive this and get out of here in one piece.

He looked around the room seeing if there was something that could help him but there was not really anything. There was a bag now sitting on the table the shifter brought in, but the contents of the bag remain unknown. Before he could come up with anything useful a figure appeared before him smiling down with a dark expresion spread across his face.

The shifter stood there wearing the hunter's soulmate's face and held a large knife in one hand. He knew what would happen if he didn't do something quick but what could he do? Would Cas find him a bloody mess? He had little to no options besides to give up and die there in that house. The shifter lifted the blade to Dean's face, slicing the skin open and creating a stream of blood from his cheek.

For one of the first times on a hunt he felt truly scared. He wasn't scared of death that is expected with this career, but the thought of Cas. The last time they would have talked would be a fight. He wouldn't be able to tell the angel how he truly felt or why he acted this way. He ruined his chance and now there was no way he could fix it.

"I'm going to enjoy this one hunter" the shifter started to speak. His voice made Dean snap his head up feeling a bit taken back and nauseous. "You could have been nicer to the guy but now you're going to die leaving him broken. It will be a fun show to watch" the shifter continued placing the blade to Dean's stomach.

Dean lowered his head looking at the blade about to enter his body and closed his eyes. Not knowing if it would work or if he could even hear him he decided to pray to Castiel. "Cas...look I'm sorry I- I know I messed up...The truth is I don't know how to handle these emotions and instead of facing them I just get mad and I took it out on you. I should have told you when we first met that you are the most perfect and beautiful being I have ever laid my eyes upon. I am damn lucky I had you as my soulmate" He finished a tear falling slowly down his cheek.

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