The truth

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I told Lyam I'm a vampire, I had to. i can't keep it a secret anymore. ''Y/n are you serious? or is this some kind of joke?'' Lyam said while laughing. I totally understand that he's laughing, you don't get this news everyday. I know that he thinks it's a joke or that I'm faking but ofcourse I have ways to prove that I am not joking.

''I'm serious Lyam, where do you think I got fangs from?'' I said while walking to him really fast. It's impossible to see how fast I'm walking for the human eye. ''HOLY SHIT!'' He said and jumped of fright. ''So you are serious?'' He asked one more time. ''Yes Lyam I'm serious. I am not here to hurt you. I just needed you to know so you won't take me in sunlight or waste your money on more food because I can't have those things.'' I explained. ''I also lied about everything. How my lover died, how I got kicked out. and I'm sorry, I just couldn't tell you the truth just yet'' ''So what did happen then?'' he asked confused

I then explained everything. How I got kicked out, How Lestat died, how I became a vampire and he still trusted me and I could see he was not frightened anymore. Lyam yawned. ''I know this is your time to be awake and all but I am really tired so I'm off to bed'' he said. I just said okay as he walked off. ''Oh and by the way, I will still let you stay here but we'll need to think of some rules since you live differently. but we'll do that tommorow'' Lyam said and then went back to his room again and went to sleep.

I went outside to look for someone to feed on. It's so easy for me to get someone to go with me so I can kill them. It's because I'm a pretty woman and pervs are easy to lure. As I fed myself I just went for a walk. Until I saw louis on a bench. I haven't seen him for a long time.. Ofcourse I am still mad but I can't stay mad forever so I decide to go over to him and sit down. I notice Claudia isn't there, Louis and Claudia were always together and it was impossible to split up for them. ''Where's Claudia?'' I asked him. He just looked at me with tears forming into his eyes.

''Exposed to the sunlight'' He said. I knew exactly what he ment.. Claudia is dead. ''Oh my god.. how did that happen?'' I asked, I didn't really care that she died. She deserved it. She killed my true love and got away with it too for no punishment. ''Armand betrayed us'' he said looking at the ground. I patted his back. I felt bad for him, he loved Claudia and she was the only one that actually listened to Louis. ''It's okay Louis, she was never supposed to be like us anyway. she's in a better place now'' I said to him trying to calm him down.

Louis calmed down and we chatted for a bit. ''Your belly grew so much Y/n how far along are you now?'' ''23 weeks, I'm so excited for my baby to be here. I wanna know so bad what the gender is'' I said smiling. ''I already thought of names for both a girl and boy. If it's a girl I will call her Amira, if it's a boy I will call him Leon.'' I added. ''Those are beautiful names Y/n! If you don't mind me asking, where are you staying? Are you safe or are you sleeping on benches?'' he asked.

''I am living in a house with a friend of mine.'' I said. ''You found more vampires?'' Louis asked.. Oh god, am I not supposed to be friends with mortals? I don't even know. ''Uhh no, It's a mortal person but he knows what I am and he is really okay with it. He helped me so much throughout the weeks and he even bought a whole nursery for my child'' I said. ''That's nice of him. But just don't get attached to him, since he is gonna die anyway and you'll still be here.'' He warned me. Then it hit me. He is gonna die and I'm still gonna be alive, and there is nothing I can do about it.

''we have to go now. the sun is rising we don't wanna get burned now do we?'' he said while smiling. That was the first time I actually saw him smiling for real. ''Alright, I'll see you Louis'' I said and with that I went home. I should get a coffin since a bed doesn't really give me energy.

The next night Lyam woke me up. ''Good....night Y/n. I wanted to give you some rules since I know you're a vampire now'' and with that he gave me a peice of paper. ''I typed these out for you just try to follow them if you do not then I will not do anything about it but please just follow them'' he said and left. 

I read the paper...

Get rid of peoples body's when you bring them into the house

Coffin goes in the basement.

clean the blood off of yourself

no biting me :)

have control over yourself

These will be easy to follow.

I placed the paper on my nightstand and I walked to the living room. ''Y/n I have to talk to you about something'' He said in a nervous tone ''Come sit down please'' he said. I said nothing I just had a worried face and I sat down next to him. ''There is something going on with me. and I need your help.'' he said. I'm really worried now.. ''I have the plague and I have been terribly sick for a while now. I don't think I will make it'' he said. Oh god.. ''Oh my god, I'm so sorry'' I said with worry. ''You told me if you get transformed into a vampire you will get cured of your sickness and you will live forever... could you do that for me?'' he asked

I couldn't do it. I don't want him to suffer. He doesn't see the bad things about being a vampire ''Lyam, I am terribly sorry, But I really can't do that for you'' I said and I held his hands in mine and I had tears in my eyes which were slowly falling down. ''Why not?'' Lyam said hurt. ''Being a vampire is not only sunshine and rainbows. A lot of things get taken away from you and it's not that great then you think. You will watch everyone around you die and you will still be here.. forever...'' I said. I really want him to live, I really do. But I don't want him to turn out like Louis. Depressed and sad.

''Please Y/n I really need you to do this for me. I don't wanna die'' he said fully crying now. I just turned my head away and I started crying too. I don't want to see him like this but I don't want him to be turned into a vampire. ''Lyam I'm so sorry. I really am. But I'm not doing it, I don't want you to suffer'' ''Please Y/n I am already suffering. I don't want to die like this'' He said ''If you want to help me than either turn me into a vampire or either kill me.'' he said. I was shocked. he just told me he didn't wanna die. ''Turn me or kill me Y/n. I don't wanna die because of the plague.'' I don't wanna do either of those things..

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