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"FORTH!!!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO AGAIN?!?!?" I heard Arthit scream my name. I winced. Shit. Arthit must have found out about what I had done.

Despite having graduated, Arthit was still on close terms with the Engineering faculty and always kept a close eye on us. Having taken over from him as Head Hazer, I have been constantly nagged at him from Day 1 on how to behave.

He must have heard about the latest fight I had with the Communication Arts guys. Well, they were attacking Lam and I couldn't just it slide, could I?! But clearly, it must have gotten back to Arthit. He's dating Pha so he comes back regularly to hang out with us and his boyfriend.

Argh, shit, I was so screwed. I turned to look at Arthit and waiied.


"Don P me now, Forth. Spit out the truth."

"Hmmm P, look. They were messing with Lam. I cannot let anything happen to him. He's my best friend. Obviously I had to stand up for him."

"Well guess what? That resulted you in being suspended for 3 days. Is that what's becoming of a head hazer?!"

I wanted to say something but I kept quiet. Knowing Arthit, he was on a rampage. Best to keep quiet than antagonise him further. If I made him angry, I had to also deal with Pha who would give me grief for making his boyfriend angry.

I sighed and just kept quiet, my head down. Arthit looked at me, blew some air out. I heard footsteps so I thought he had walked away. I looked up gleefully only to see him staring at me coldly with Kongpob next to him.

"You thought I left right?!"

"Ah P, no, of course not.."

"I know your devil brains Forth. I decided to keep an eye on you till you show me you have woken up your idea."


"Don't P me! I have alot of faith in you but clearly this incident showed me you cannot be trusted completely. Kong is here at the university currently working as a TA for the Engineering faculty. He will keep an eye on you for me. If you cross a line, that's it. You wouldn't be head hazer anymore."

I opened my eyes big at that threat. If that happened, my parents would kill me and Arthit knew that! He smirked evilly at me whilst I cast a look at Kongpob who wasn't any better. He was another devil. I sighed softly, waiing to both of them and walking away.

As I turned the corner, I caught Kong looking at me with a small smirk.

Damn this guy.

Hearts to the end (ForthxKongpob) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now