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I finally went back to classes post my suspension. I also reported for my hazing activities again so it was a long day.

My day started at 8am and didn't end till 7pm. Contrary to popular belief, I thought I would bump into Kong but I didn't at all. I realized I was subconsciously looking for him the whole day but didn't see him at all.

I was heading back around 8pm post dinner when I saw him at the minimart. He was buying some sweets and looked abit ashy. I walked up to him and called out to him. He turned and smiled at me, smile just a wee wane.

"P, you ok? Didn't see you the whole day?"

'Missed me Forth?"

"P! I thought you mentioned you are in some of my classes that's why."

"Hahaha I'm kidding. I had a medical appointment to go for so just came back earlier. Aim covered my classes."

"Ah, you ok?"

"Yea I will be."

I flicked an eye over to his arm and saw the same bandaid again.

"You donated blood again?"

"Hmm no. Its more of a blood transfusion. I'm the receiver actually."

"Oh. Why do you need it?"

Kong jsut smiled at me but didn't answer. I didn't want to probe too. If he wanted to, he would. So I let him be. We chatted for a bit before I made my move. I offered a ride but he declined it.

The next few days, I was super busy and was swarmed by lessons and Sotus. Around 7pm on Friday, I was heading back, mad tired. Park and Lam had disappeared for date night again. I really needed better friends than these 2 morons. As I was heading out of the faculty, I saw Aim standing there anxiously looking for a cab.

"P! You ok?"

"Forth.. yes I am. Jsut waiting for my cab but no idea where he is. Its been over 10 minutes."

"I can give you a ride P if you want?"

"Can you? That be great. Can you drop me off at the Fido Bar?"

I raised my eyebrows slightly at him. Was he kicking up this much frustration over a bar? But Aim glared at me assuring me it wasn't for a drinking session but rather to rescue someone. I nodded sheepishly and gave him a lift.

He got down and flew into the bar. Okays, so much for a thank you at least? I wondered if I should wait for him but just then I saw him come out with a Kong who looked buzzed. What the heck was going on? And Aim looked pissed as fuck. I watched as Aim struggled to hold onto Kong. I went over and supported Kong on myself, slinging one hand around his waist and holding him tight. I looked at Aim.

"What's the plan?"

"We need to get him home first. Then I am going to come back to smack the shit out of some people. Can you bring him home? Make sure he gets a shower and also flushes his stomach down by drinking ample water or throwing it up? He's not supposed to drink."

"OK P. I can do that. Will you be ok alone?"

"Oh trust me. I'm calling Arthit and Sharp down. People are going down today. We come check on him later ok? Help me keep an eye on him Forth and dont leave him alone."

I nodded. I brought Kong to my room and texted Aim on it. I got him to get a shower, stripping him down and getting him to have a cold shower. He resisted me abit but I scolded him and he kept quiet, listening to me. I gave him my clothes and got him to drink lots of warm water. He felt like gagging and I passed him a puke bag. He threw up so badly. I rubbed his back slowly as he threw up, cleaned him up and also rubbed some balm on his head to ease his nausea and ache. He felt quite faint and leaned back on me. I held onto him and just let him rest. He didn't realize and just rested his head on my shoulder, nestling comfortably. I rubbed his back and patted his head whilst holding onto him.

He fell asleep like that and I didn't dare move. Aim, Arthit and Sharp came around 1am to find me sitting, watching TV on mute so I don't disturb him whilst he slept on me. I had left my door unlocked so the boys could come in. They were stunned by the scene but I shushed them so they didn't wake him up.

They checked on him and said they be back tomorrow. I nodded and Aim helped me lock my door on the way out. Kong stirred and shifted abit. I used the opportunity to move my angle abit so he could be even more comfortable.

And that was us till 8am the following morning.

Hearts to the end (ForthxKongpob) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now