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I woke up to find myself sleeping on Forth who was sleeping sitting up straight. I moved away from Forth who was still holding onto me tightly. He didn't stir and didn't let go either.

I tried moving away again slowly and this time he woke up. He took away his hands as i stood up.

"Are you ok P?"

"Yea I am. How come I am here?"

Forth filled me in on what had happened. He didn't know who had gotten me buzzed but I knew and I was pissed. I just kept silent and apologised to Forth instead for inconveniencing him. He waved away my apology and told me to take a shower whilst he made breakfast.

I declined the offer, saying I had to go back to work. Before he could say further, I took my leave, leaving Forth looking at me walk away.

I was bloody pissed at this Nine. I had no classes today but boy was he going to get it from me. He knew I couldn't and shouldn't drink and yet he had slipped in something to make me buzzed and drunk. What the fuck.

I went down and was going to make my way back to my dorm when I bumped into Aim. He was coming to check on me and was upset Forth had let me go. I told him it was me who insisted and had left. He told me he had taken care of Nine yesterday with Sharp and Arthit. He patted me comfortingly, promising things will be ok. But then he took 1 look at me and then chuckled.

"You left Forth's dorm looking like this? And whete are your clothes? You realize you are wearing his right?!"

Oh crap. I looked down at myself and realized I was wearing his oversized t shirt and a pair of sweats.

"And come on Kong, he took care of you the whole night and you just left him like that?"

"No..I.. I was just so pissed with Nine that I wasn't thinking straight. He wanted to make me breakfast and all. It's me...who left him.."

"Kong. I don't need to teach you on how to treat people. I know you are pissed with Nine but it doesn't mean you leave Forth hanging like that. Maybe you can tell him on what happened? He's actually quite a nice guy."

I kept quiet, my eyes flitting back to his dorm. I nodded at Aim and took my leave, going back to his dorm. I knocked on his door and a while later, I heard someone shuffling over, coming face to face with Forth who was out, freshly showered.


"Hey. I shouldn't have walked off like that. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry. Could we chat please?"

Forth nodded and let me come in. I asked if he had classes and he had none. I nodded. I told him I had no classes either and that's when his eyebrows raised at me. He knew I had lied earlier to get out of the room. But to give him credit, he kept quiet, not saying anything either, waiting for me.

I sat down wearily, sighing softly. Just then Forth did the most sweetest thing ever. He kneeled down in front of me.

"Look, something is bothering you. You can share it at your own time. But for now, get a shower and some breakfast. You can always talk later but I hope you do. Because you are starting to worry me. And this feeling is new to me especially when it concerns you."

I looked at Forth, speechless. Did he always just say what was on his mind like that? I just nodded and Forth shuffled me off to shower, his words playing constantly in my head the entire time.

Hearts to the end (ForthxKongpob) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now