Goodbye, Ajax

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It was raining. You still couldn't believe that just two weeks ago you were walking down the same road happily with him. How much you wish you could've spent more time together, how much you wish you could've helped.

You could still remember his smile and his warm blood running down your hands as you held him in your arms. By the time help arrived to your location it was too late. You lost him. Your saviour, your friend, your love.

You walked over to the location of the funeral. The few people who were there were dressed in black and they were all holding black umbrellas. You also saw a little boy who was confused about what was happening. Some of his siblings were standing there as well, looking upon their brother's deathbed.

After the funeral was over you stayed for a bit. You sat down next to the grave and put your hand on it.

"I'm sorry" you said as you started to cry. "I wish you were here. I wish you were here like you were just a few weeks ago. Tell me, why did you have to go? Why did you have to go so suddenly?" you cried. But as you were laying there, the weather cleared up. You were starting to get wet without your umbrella, so it was actually a good thing that happened. You looked up and viped your tears.

"Youre right. It's gonna be alright, I just need to be strong. Because you're still looking over me. You just can't help it
" you smiled at the sky, and you felt a gentle breeze.

You walked out to the place where he died. The air was chilly. There were still some blood scattered around on the grass, even after all this time. You could still se him there, lying on the grass, as you could do nothing but stare at his dead body.

"I'm sorry" you muttered. Tears started to flow down your face. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you" you started crying uncontrollably. You were screaming and yelling gibberish, and you were hitting the ground, hoping he will come back from the dead and hug you close.

He will not. You knew it deep inside, no matter how much you wanted it to not be true.

Suddenly someone put their hand on your shoulder. You turned around to see it was a short, green-haired man.

"You're too loud" he said to you. You just stared at him and blinked.

"Execuse me, sir, but why would it bother you? It's not like anyone walks around these parts of teyvat, let alone live here." you answered as you wiped your tears.

"And how could you know? It's not like you checked or anything" the grumpy man shot back at you. Now you started to get angry.

"Just leave me alone" you turned away and clenched the grass. But he didn't leave. He just stood behind you.


"Didn't you hear me? I said leave me al-" he suddenly picked you up and started to carry you away.

"Hey! Put me down!" you tried to resist, but his hands were too strong, so you gave in. He brought you to a house nearby.

"See? Someone DOES live around here. Now shut up or go away"

This man and his attitude. Couldn't he be a little kinder with a mourning woman? Has he got no heart or something?

He suddenly dropped you. That was the last straw.

"Now listen here, young man. My soulmate just died in my hands, and I was trying to cry myself out, as you, who I don't even know, interrupted me, and rudely told me to shut up. Now you literally kidnapped me, and then hurt me by dropping me to the ground. That's verbal and physical abuse! "

"Like I care" he answered, as he turned his back to you and walked inside the house. You were pissed.

That's when you realized you had a match in your pocket. A horrible idea came into your mind.

You gathered a bit of dry grass, put it next to his house, lit the match, and threw it onto the pile of grass. It caught on fire immediately, and soon the house as well. But you didn't care. That man, was a horrible person, and besides, the worst that could happen to you was to go to jail. He would have a worse life after this.

You walked away as you watched the house burn to the ground. You had no regrets.

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