Injuries Fade Away

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There was blood on the floor. The only thing you could think of was that an injured cat somehow got inside and crawled into you bedroom to rest. Or maybe it was a dog, or some other kind of animal.

You slowly walked into your Kitchen to get some kind of weapon in case the intruder was dangerous. You opened the drawer and got out a knife, you poked the edge of it and thought to yourself: it will do.

You walked out of the Kitchen and slowly aproached your room. When you got to the door you quickly shut the lights up and pointed the knife towards the room.

You saw someone Laying on the floor, while half of them was still holding on to the bed trying not to fall down. As you saw that scene, you immediately put your knife down and ran to help the stranger. Altough, was he really a stranger?

When you finally took a closer look you realized it was the same green haired man from a few days ago. What was his name again? Xiao?

"Hey, are you okay?! What happened?" you asked wihh worry in your tone as you grabbed him and tried to help his weak body up onto the bed.

"They're... Coming" that's all he said as he finally lost conciousness. You put him down on your bed, grabbed a wet towel and started wiping his blood away from his body. You took down his heavy clothing (not everything), and slowly started to clean his wounds. Luckily, nothing seemed to be too bad.

When you were done with treating him, you went into the bathroom to get a mop and clean the blood off of your floor. Then, you started to Cook a nice meal for the injured man.

After some time, he finally awoke.

"Where am I?" he asked, kind of confused. Then, it finally hit him: he was at your house and he needed to deliver an important message to you.

"Y/N!" he yelled as he climbed out of the bed. You ran over to him, but he was already standing.

"You need to rest!" you scolded him and pushed him back down to at least sit. Then, he suddenly grabbed your arms:

"You got yourself into some reeeeeaally big sh*t, young lady!" he exclaimed. "You know who are searching for you right now? Do you have any idea?"

You silently shook your head.

"The fatui. To be more precise: Scaramouche" he said. Chill started to run down your spine. Did he say Scaramouche? THAT Scaramouche? The one that killed ajax? The one that tried to kill you as well?

"You must be joking. So please, stop, it isn't funny." you said with terror in your voice.

"I am not joking." he said.

"Yeah? Then how the hell do you know this information? What are you, some sort of jinn?" you said with anger. He was really just pissing your off from this point on. You didn't wanna believe what he said.

"I'm a yaksha"

Stuck in the Past - Xiao x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now