The Last One

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"I'm a yaksha"

Silence. You first looked at him with a questioning glare, then snickered.

"Yeah, and I am the geo archon" you joked. But he didn't smile, let alone laugh. That's when the thought came to your mind: could he really be telling the truth?

"Are you.. Really a yaksha?" you asked.

"Yes." he sighed. "I didn't mean to tell you like this, but it seems like I had to." he exclaimed. He looked kind of sad and worried at the same time as he looked into your eyes.

"So, tell me, how do i avoid this danger I have to face soon?" you asked him seriously this time.

"Come with me" he answered simply. You blushed a little and tried to hide your confusion towards his strange demand.

"E-execuse me, but we barely know each other. How can you expect me to go with you?"

"Well, if you wanna die, you can stay here."

His simpleness started to irritate you, but he was right. You didn't wanna die, so you didn't have too much of a choice but to go with him.

"Alright. When do we go?" you asked him.

"Tomorrow morning. Before sunrise. We'll meet at the port. Don't be late" he said, as he stood up from your bed and jumped out the window.

"Wait, your injury!" you yelled after him but it didn't seem like he heard you. You sighed.

You packed a few of your important things: pants, shirts, something warm and your teddy bear. You put them in a backpack and went to take a shower. You washed your hair, your teeth and put your pajamas on. You walked into the Kitchen and prepared yourself some popcorn with a nice drink, got some chocolate from the fridge and went inside your room. You turned the tv on and started to watch a movie.

The next day you woke up very early, ate some breakfast, packed some water and food for the road and went out.

There he was, sitting on a pole, waiting, looking at the dark blue sky above the water. The wind was gently blowing his clothes and hair, he almost looked perfect.

Then he turned around and said:

"You're late."

"I'm sorry, you didn't say a specific time. The sun is yet to come up, so I suppose I am not that late." You answered angrily. As a response, xiao just sighed, then jumped off the pole and started to walk towards you. When he came too close, you took a Step back, but at that very same moment he grabbed you, put you on his shoulder and then dissappeared into nothingness with you.

Before you knew it you were somewhere else. There was a beautiful lake, some bushes and cherry trees around it, and a bench. Xiao started walking towards it, and you followed him without saying a word. You walked past the bench, and went over to the rock that was near the lake, blocking the view from the world outside. He stopped there then turned around:

"We are here"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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