Dangerous games

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Genre: angst, hurt/comfort

TW: near death experience, freezing, swearing

Characters: Grian, Impulse, Bdubs, Xisuma, others (tell me if you want me to write something in a smaller enclosed group)

Merry Christmas everyone! 🎶❄️✨❤️


All hermits were taking a break. It was December and Xisuma decided it was madatory every year to take a break from the second week of December up to the 6th of January. It was also a tradition for everyone to go to a big cottage in a cold forest biome.

It was this time of the year again where everyone paraded around the wooden house in cringy Christmas sweaters and oversized hoodies. It was the midday and most people were in the main part of the house, just chilling and talking. Suddenly loud thumping from the wooden stairs was heard and a very enthusiastic Bdubs entered.

"Guys! It's snowing! Who wants to go outside?!"

A few people cheered and went up the stairs to their rooms to get changed into warm outside clothes. Sure, it was childish, but it was their break from reality, who cares?

Soon enough a group containing Bdubs, Doc, Ren, Tango, Impulse, Zed, Scar, Mumbo, Grian, Pearl and Cleo was outside.  They all began playing in the snow in various ways. Ren just threw himself into a pile and played in it like a puppy, Doc giggling at him, but soon joining. Grian, Scar, Mumbo, Bdubs and the girls fighting with snowballs, very chaotically so. Team ZIT just went on to play in the snow in the simmilar way Ren and Doc did, but soon they just started to have a friendly fight over who can get the most snow in the other person's collar.

Suddenly Ren got up, covered in snow. He yelled for everyone to hear. "Guys! Let's play hide and seek!"

Everyone stopped and thought for a minute. Most people nodded, but Doc had one doubt.

"What if the snow will get worse? Someone can freeze to death!" He said, to which Ren dismissed him, "it'll be fine, the snowfall isn't getting any worse and everyone here is wearing bright colours. No need to panic Doc"

The hybrid hesitantly agreed and Scar volunteered to be the first seeker. As he started to count down, everyone scattered in their own direction. They hid behind trees and stones, team ZIT even finding a small cave hideout.

Scar soon said "60! Ready or not, here I come!" He found Mumbo fairly quickly as the man hid in a bush not far away, a bad choice for watering a red and black coat. Soon enough they also found Doc and Ren, just sitting behind a rock. Cleo tried to blend in with the zombies, but no zombie ever shivers when they're cold. Pearl hid in a pile of snow (hehe Double Life wink wink), but she took too much damage and had to come out eventually. Scar then found Zed, Impulse and Tango, as the three, while in a great hiding spot, couldn't stop laughing for no reason.

They couldn't find Bdubs up until they heard giggles from up above, discovering the gremlin climbed up a tree.

"Alright, I think that's everyone," Impulse said. "Where's Grian?" Mumbo asked suddenly and everyone realized that nobody saw him.

They all started searching, yelling for him and telling him he won, to no avail. The snow started to thicken and wind started blowing. The hermits panicked and Tango ran to the house to get more people to try and find their friend.

Everyone was panicking as there was now a real blizzard outside and no Grian in sight. They messaged him, yelled and analyzed every inch of the forest.

Meanwhile Grian was dizzy and surprisingly warm in a cavity in a big tree. Just a few minutes ago he was really cold, so he was suprised to suddenly feel warm. His breathing was shallow and slow. As he lost consciousness, it was too late to realize he had hypothermia.

The hermits have been looking for and hour now and they knew that if they didn't find him soon, they would only find a corpse.

Suddenly a scream was heard, filled with fear and sorrow.


Everyone ran to the source to see that Scar found the avian. He looked lifeless and everyone was convinced he had died. Mumbo ran to the body and checked the pulse as everyone waited in a suspenseful silence.

"He's alive." Everyone sighed with relief. "We need to get him to the house quickly or he won't survive," he added and soon Doc was carrying the man, walking quickly to the cottage.

Upon arrival, he placed him on the couch. Mumbo, as he knew a bit about medical things, quickly got to work with his friend, instructing everyone else what to do.

First, he took off Grian's wet clothes and asked Bdubs to fetch him new, dry ones. He also requested a dry towel to dry off the avian's wings. He was repeatedly checking his pulse and braeth, noticing it was very slowly becoming more stable upon being changed.

Once Grian was all dry, Mumbo instructed for Scar and Ren to get a warm dinner going while everyone was supposed to bring every blanket they had. The mustached man then gradually put the blankets on the unconscious hermit, doing so in intervals as to not overheat him. The pulse and breath was now completely stable and regular, not as shallow as before.

After some time Scar and Ren were done with the dinner. The hermits went on to eat, even Mumbo, who after a lot of convincing agreed, even though he wanted to stay with Grian if he wakes up.

Eventually they all ate and went to do their own things, though the air was thick with worry.

"Ugh... What happened...?"

Everyone's heads whipped towards Grian, who was now trying his best to sit up being covered with a thick layer of blankets. He looked around confused as he was talked in a hug by Mumbo.

"You're awake! You actually survived!"

"Survived what?" The avian asked confused as he was surrounded by a swarm of people, loudly showing their joy at their friends well-being.

"I forgot memory loss is one of hypothermia symptoms," Mumbo said, then shushed everyone. "We were playing hide and seek in the snow and you hid very well we couldn't find you then a blizzard came and you fainted from hypothermia. Now, do you want something to eat?"

"Yes please..."

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