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When a transferee appears in our class, we are two years away from graduating from high school. Except for me, everyone adores her. She's cheerful, but not as chatty as Lisa and Rosie. I'll give her credit for her intelligence. and I discovered Lisa is starting to like her. It didn't bother me at first, until I began to suspect that I might be developing feelings for Lisa. I thought it was jealousy because Lisa actually talks to her, but whenever I see them together, I get sick to my stomach.

Not only am I unable to converse with Lisa any longer, but we aren't having as many sex as we once did. Of course, I have no right to be jealous because we are not in a relationship, but for fucks sake, I am.

I even go so far as to ask some of my friends to throw a party so they can invite Lisa and maybe I can spend some time with her like we used to. However, when we went to a party together, the transferee also showed up. They talked the entire night... They just talked, and I'm not sure why I'm so envious. Like, I have the advantage of having seen Lisa naked multiple times, but I also have the disadvantage of having that as my only advantage. I asked another classmate to throw a party, and thankfully, they aren't too interested in why I'm doing so.

I asked them not to invite the transferee. They didn't, but fucking Lisa didn't show up either. Instead, she invited the transferee out to see a movie. Lisa no longer stays in the classroom during break time. She'll always eat lunch with that girl and her friends.

They both entered the classroom at the same time on another weekday. Lisa is carrying two bags, and I noticed the transferee is missing her bag. Isn't she capable of carrying her own bag? Every fucking day, this irritates me.

"Where will you sit?" Lisa inquires. Outside, hopefully.

"Is the seat next to you taken?" she inquires, oblivious to the fact that no one is seated there.

They just keep talking to each other for the entire class, and I'm so close that I can hear their whispers. When the professor instructed us to divide our activity into twos, I was paired with Lisa. I was so enraged that I handed the paper over to Lisa.

"Answer it all" she wasn't listening earlier, so it's her fault if she can't.

"Why?" she asks, "because the teacher said we should team up." Oh, she can only speak for so long if she is attempting to avoid carrying out the entire task.

"Because I said so," I explained, crossing my arm and averting my gaze. Lisa simply sighed and did not argue.

She attempted to answer the activity for at least a half-hour while the transferee was busy with her own group. She returned 30 minutes later and sat next to Lisa, who was completely absorbed in the activity.

"Hey, I'll help you," she said, drawing my attention to her.

"Are you sure?" Lisa inquires, her face brightening.

"Yeah... here," she said as she leaned over to examine Lisa's paper. I wish to change schools.

Jisoo speaks loud enough for me to hear, "That's why she doesn't choose you." I roll my eyes and turn away from Lisa and that woman.

Our professor was probably not present during our second to last class, so most of our classmates went out. Lisa was conversing with Rosie because, thankfully, someone else was having a conversation with the transferee, diverting her attention away from Lisa. Lisa told Rosie she needed to use the restroom quickly, so I took advantage of the opportunity to follow her a few seconds later. I went straight to the restroom and heard Lisa humming in one of the stalls. Before I lock the restroom door, I checked the other stalls and they are all empty. All of this makes me look fucking creepy. Talking with mutual friends gives me the impression that I'm learning more about Lisa. But the fact that I can't get her to talk to me leads me to believe that I know very little about her.

When Lisa walks out of the stall, she looks at me and raises her brows, as if wondering what I'm doing here. She goes to the sink to wash her hands. I take out a couple of tissues and hand them to her. She said thank you and took the tissues from me, still with that puzzled expression on her face.

"You want to come to my house later?" I asked boldly.

"I can't, I have to-" I didn't wait for her to finish before pinning myself on her and kissing her. She didn't really back down. She gave me a kiss in return, and I felt like I gave it too quickly and roughly because of the burning sensation I'm feeling inside me.

I haven't kissed her in a long time. This explains the rush I'm experiencing. I take a step back to breathe as I whispered, "I want you." I was about to move in to continue the kiss when Lisa gently grabbed both of my arms and cocked her head back to stop me.

"Jennie, I-"

"Why are you stopping? Is it that transferee again? Are you two together?" I inquire.

"No, please let me finish-"

"Do you think she likes you? I think she's just leading you on," I speculated. She sighs and averts her gaze.

"I need to go home for some family matters... don't jump to conclusions," she explained.

She let go of my arms and walked past me to the door.

"Lisa, can't it just be me?" I ask, standing with my back to her. "You know that girl won't like you, and you know damn well that people aren't getting my attention as much as you do.."

"Do I have to thank you for that?" she wonders.

"You're being tough.. or you just like people who can answer your schoolwork for you." I overheard her chuckle as I made this statement.

"Or you should first consider whether people would date you for such an attitude, Jennie. Maybe start with that," she said before opening and closing the door.

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