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It is now the day of our school trip. They decided to go camping, and to be honest, I couldn't care less; I wouldn't be going if Jisoo hadn't simply listed my name among those who would be joining. Rosie was the one gathering names of those who would attend, so she didn't really ask if I was sure I wanted to come. I wasn't sure if Lisa was going because what she said in the bathroom had hurt my ego. Though Jisoo and Rosie were talking the previous time, and Rosie was complaining that Lisa might not go due to family matters, I was surprised to see her entering the bus on the day of the school trip.

The transferee is also present, but Lisa is seated next to Rosie, who is on the same line as Jisoo and I. She did cast a glance our way, but my pride was so high that I avoided her gaze.

The entire ride was long, and Jisoo was either sleeping or watching a movie the entire time, so I didn't say much. I took a few pictures of the beautiful scenery we were passing through, and the first time I did it, I heard phone camera shutters, so I turned around to see Lisa doing the same.

When we arrived, we went outside and waited for at least one of our school staff to give us instructions. The sun is out here burning our skin because it is the middle of the day. Jisoo doesn't seem to mind because she's dressed in a long-sleeved shirt. There were a couple of people who went for a bathroom break, and the transferee is one of them, so Lisa didn't get to go to her, despite the fact that she was itching to. While we're waiting, Rosie and Lisa are behind us, and I heard someone open an umbrella. I can see our silhouette beneath, so I figured it was Lisa who opened an umbrella.

She was just sharing it with Rosie when one of the school staff members came up to the center and started talking. I was too preoccupied with what they were saying to notice that I was no longer feeling the warmth of the sun. I looked up and noticed that the umbrella was now slanted in our direction. What the fuck is she doing?

"Don't you dare mess things up again," Jisoo said quietly enough for me to hear.

"I don't need her umbrella," I retorted.

"She's being nice, so don't be a bitch."

"I'm not being a bitch-"

"Rosie, can you hold this?" Lisa asked from behind me, forcing me to stop talking. I then noticed her walking towards the transferee who had just returned. She left her umbrella for us while she went about her day flirting again. I scoff and roll my eyes.

"See? You're no longer a choice... don't ask why," Jisoo says. Rosie then moved closer to us so that she could hear us and talk to us while holding the umbrella.

After the lengthy instruction, we were told to follow the guides we had been given, and when we arrived at our designated spot, we were asked to assist in assembling our tents. Of course I didn't help; why would I?

"Hello, Jennie!" exclaims one of the annoying men.

"Fuck off," I said, forcing him to turn around. I despise flirtatious people.

"Jennie, tie this one off," Jisoo says as she throws a rope at me.

"What am I going to do with that?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"What do you do with a rope? Try chewing it," she suggested. I sigh and stoop down to grab the rope. I walked over to the pole she had pointed out and stood there staring at it. I'm not sure how to tie this one. I then noticed Lisa in my peripheral vision and gave her a quick glance. She came to a halt when she met my gaze.

She must have sensed that I needed assistance even though I wasn't asking for it or even saying it out loud. She didn't say anything as she gently took the rope from me and assisted me in tying it securely.

"I can't sleep here," I said, as if she was asking anyway, "since the ground isn't the most comfortable place to sleep."

"We'll be staying inside the tent," she said as she tied it up.

"As if there's some soft ass cushion inside the tent."

"I brought one of my puffer jackets, maybe use that if you want," she suggested before pulling the rope tight. Since I didn't say anything else, she left after that.

After everything was set up, they began preparing the food, which is mostly grilled. Of course, I did nothing. I stayed close to the bonfire the entire time, just staring at it. When they started distributing foods, I knew they were done cooking. The dinner was quiet because everyone was starving, but I wasn't that hungry for some reason, so when I had some left overs, I passed them to Jisoo, who either gave it to someone else or threw it away, I didn't care.

"Did you fall on the bonfire?" Jisoo inquired, pointing to my face, "that is either dirt or charcoal on your face," she explained.

As my gaze returned to Lisa and that girl, I tried to rub it away. Can they keep their distance? They have been together constantly, fucking unnecessary.

"Let me help you," the guy on my side says, so I slap his hand away, making Jisoo on my side chuckle.

"Don't touch my face," I said, rubbing it.

"You can't even properly wipe it," he says.

"Your hands are dirtier," I mumble, not wanting people to touch my face. They use their hands the most, and who knows where they last used it. Jisoo hands me a mirror so I can take it off myself.

Rosie joins us after a while, and she and Jisoo continue to talk while I sit with my arms crossed. I respond when they ask, but I don't say much.

After a while, our instructor told us to go to our respective tents. I was the first to stand up because I had to leave immediately because that transferee is an eyesore. I enter the tent and proceed to my bag to clean my face. As I begin to remove my makeup while sitting on the opposite side, someone enters.

Lisa looks in my direction and then moves quickly to her bag. I watch as she turns her back on me and rummages through her bag. When she was about to turn around, I took my gaze away from her, it's like I'm just minding my own business.

She laid her puffer jacket down beside me, saying, "Goodnight," and adding, "You can just put perfume on it if it does not smell so pleasing." I thought she'd forgotten about lending me her jacket tonight.

I lay her jacket down after I've finished removing my makeup. I hadn't even considered spraying it with perfume. Lisa always smells good, no doubt about it.

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