chapter 7

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The trip to the beach wasn't that bad after all, kongpob kinda missed it, it's been a week since they went to the trip and the weeks been a boring one with nothing but assignment

Kongpob was on his way to the cafe near his house, he liked the vibe there and decided to complete the rest of his project there, it might also get him in a good mood

Once reached, he placed all his belongings on the table and ordered a glass of cold coffee, that would just make it all perfect

Kongpob pulled out his phone, to research on a few topics when it rung, making kongpib groan at the caller ID

'Silence it' The ID said

Kongpob quickly silenced the phone and put it away, waiting for the call to disconnect

"Isn't that a rude way to save someone's name as good as me?" Type's voice echoed in the cafe

Kongpob's head snapped at his direction, he felt his head aching suddenly, this study session wasn't going to be what he wanted it to be

"Were you following me?" Kongpob asked back

"Oh no, I'm not a stalker pretty one, I was just passing by and noticed you sitting here" type replied, taking a seat beside kongpob

"Go back and pass by then, I need to complete my assignment" kongpob suggested, turning to his books

Type raised an eyebrow at him, as he let out an airy chuckle to his own surprise, smiling, laughing was something he rarely did, but whenever he was around this specific boy, it came out so natural

"Let's go out on a date" type suggested

"Excuse me?" Kongpob asked, eyes widened in surprise

"You heard me just fine" type chuckled

"I...let me study type" kongpob stammered, turning away

Type noticed how his cheeks were a light shade of pink and so were his ears

"Oh come on, is it that hard?" Type asked, leaning back in his chair

"How many other people have you asked that question to, before me?" Kongpob asked back

"None" type replied, shrugging his shoulders

"And as if I believe you" kongpob said, rolling his eyes at him

"Want me to prove it to you?" Type asked, pulling out his phone

Kongpob stated at him, typing random digits in his keypad before clicking on the call button

"Sarawat?" Type called

Kongpob didn't hear what the other one said, the phone wasn't on speaker

"I'm gonna ask you a simple question and just answer honestly, without your sarcasm" type ordered before putting the phone on speaker

"What is it type?" Sarawat asked, sounding clearly annoyed

"Have I ever asked anyone out on a date?" Type asked

"You would be crazy to, you haven't even approached any human till date, except that.." sarawat was cut by type abruptly hanging up

"See?" Type grinned at kongpob, who seemed to be convinced but curious

"What was he about to say that you hung up on him?" Kongpob asked

"Further questions on the date, time and place according to your wish, pretty one" type replied

The tint of blush had just disappeared from Kongpob's cheeks and here it was invited again

"6? Let's go to the ice cream park, simple and friendly" kongpob replied

"Dates aren't friendly" type said

"This one is, now let me study" kongpob replied, turning back to his books

Type unconsciously smiled at him, placing his arm on the table, he rested his head on it, doing nothing but staring at the other

"Are you gonna stare at me the while day?" Kongpob asked, still focused on his book

"It's weird, but I probably would" type replied, a silly smile playing on his lips

"Where's type?" Sam yelled from the living room

"He went out just a while ago.." Suruchi replied in a timid voice, which barely reached Sam's ears

"Are you dumb or something? Don't you have a fucking layrnx?" Sam yelled out

"S..sorry" Suruchi replied

"Here we go again, a fucking bastard for a son and this lazy lady for a wife, what else could I ask for?" Sam yelled sarcastically

"We didnt ask you to take us, you put this on yourself" type reminded, kicking off his shoes at the main door

Sam turned around to face him, there he stood with his hands tucked in his pockets as usual

"What did you fucking say?" Sam asked

"Type, go back to your room" Suruchi pleaded, holding onto her son's arm

"Why did you ever marry him? What could possibly go so wrong if we were alone mom?" Type asked

"Type, p.." Suruchi was cut by Sam

"Oh want to know? You might not be alive, you might not be studying in a damn college, and your mom might have been a maid in some house or maybe worse, need more examples?" Sam asked

Type glared at him, only because he didn't want to leave his mother all alone, he hasn't once attempted to kill this man

"Anything would be better than you" type replied before he walked away

Sam watched him leave, boiling up with anger, he turned to face Suruchi who gulped the lump in her throat, knowing exactly what was to happen

A loud sound echoed through the living room, Sam had slapped her again, he always did this, whenever type made him angry, he slapped her to take it all out

"I don't blame that man for kicking you out, no surprise I would do it too" Sam said, before walking away

I purple you 💜

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