chapter 8

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Arthit walked down the road with a peaceful smile on his face, the weather was pretty and nice, he glanced at his watch, it was nearly six

He wondered if he needed a walk in the park before going back home, his feet led him to the nearby ice cream park, as he adored the kids running around

He smiled and waved at them before continuing with his walk, the wind blowing was soft and cold, it relaxed his muscles, unfortunately, not his thoughts

His mind was filled with doubts, stupid questions and sensations he had never felt before, in real, his mind was filled with kongpob

Everything about him, attracted arthit towards him, it was the way he talked or the way he laughed or how he got nervous, or his smile, or maybe the permanent blush on his cheeks, it was all of him

All that arthit hated about him was his choice of company, type, he hated it, seeing them together, seeing them talk or laugh, it made his blood boil

Did he like him? Was it a crush? Or was he actually developing feelings for the other?

He walked around lazily for a while until his eyes spotted the specific someone he was thinking about

There he stood, kongpob, near a bench, glancing at his watch as if waiting for someone to arrive

A whipped smile made it's way on arthits face, getting off the pathway he was about to approach the other when the someone kongpob was waiting for, arrived

"Type.." arthit mumbled unconsciously

Type had come running, panting as he supported his hands on his knees while kongpob glared at him, only to chuckle when the other apologized

Arthit watched them walk off, maybe they were simply hanging out, maybe a few other friends were about to join them, but maybe, it was a date

And in a minute, arthits sadness had turned into anger, for type, he hated him to the core and he wasnt going to sit still about it

"What is your strength?" Kongpob passed a random question

"Flirting" type replied shrugging his shoulders

"And your weakness?" Kongpob asked

"That smile of yours" type replied with a slight wink

Kongpob giggled, his cheeks and ears couldn't get the shade of red off them, it was impossible when type was around

"Type, is it alright if I ask you something personal?" Kongpob asked softly

"As long as it's not a marriage proposal, it's alright, I'm not ready for a wedding yet, honey" type replied

Kongpob rolled his eyes at him, passing a short laugh

"What went wrong between you and arthit?" Kongpob asked

Type's smile faded, his hands which were free on both his sides, got tucked firmly in his pockets again

"Why do you wanna know?" Type asked back

"Curiosity, I heard you were both on talking terms at a time" kongpob replied carefully

"It was all wrong, since the very beginning" type said, not looking at kongpob

"Bu.." kongpob was cut by type

"That's enough for today pretty one, lets focus on us, please" type said, flashing his flirty grin but failed miserably

Kongpob nodded nonetheless, as he followed type to wherever they were going

Type kicked the stone on the way as he walked back home from the bus station, he and kongpob had ended their so called friendly date at around seven and decided to get back home

He had a whipped, silly smile on his face, which was so unlike him, but when his thoughts were all about kongpob, it was natural

He chuckled at something he remembered when a punch landed on his face, resulting in him falling backwards

"What the fucking hell?" Type yelled, turning around to check who it was

There he stood, arthit, glaring at him with hooded eyes as type chuckled humorlessly, wiping off the slight blood on his lip

"What do you want to fight about at this hour arthit?" Type asked

"Why do you, why do you always have to take things away from me?" Arthit yelled

"If that's what you are talking about then let's not" type replied, his eyes darkening

"Stay right there, listen to your elders nong!" Arthit yelled

Type glared at him as his hands turned into fists

"I. Am. Not. Your. Nong" type replied, pressing each word

Arthit chuckled, looking away

"All I want you to do is leave my fucking life alone" arthit yelled

"I never interfered" type replied

"You always did, since the beginning, you know what it is, type" arthit said

"Shut up!" Type replied, holding arthit by his caller

"This won't change the truth, stay away from all of that belongs to me" arthit said, pulling himself away from him

"If you mean kongpob, then sorry, at first, it was a game, I was just wanting to prevent you, but I don't think it's a game anymore, he is all I need" type replied

"Make it a game then, it's me, who wins" arthit said

"He isn't a prize arthit" type replied

"Exactly, let him choose or are you afraid you will lose?" arthit said

Type glared back at him, he had this weird feeling in his heart, he was confident it was him, but what if not?

I purple you 💜

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