chapter 14

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Kongpob walked down the stairs with his books in his hands when he noticed arthit standing at the edge, clearly waiting for him

Kongpob smiled to himself before approaching arthit with a tap on his shoulder

Arthit turned around with a silly, whipped grin, before holding the others hand in his, firmly

"Ah, this is exactly what I imagined it to be like" arthit exclaimed

Kongpob chuckled at him as they made their way outside, to the parking area of the college and towards arthits car

"To the cafe first?" Arthit asked

"Oh yes please, I had the worst physics lesson today" kongpob complained

Arthit chuckled before sitting in the car as kongpob did the same before they drove away

The bells rung as both the boys entered the cafe, the waiters turned to them with a smile as they walked further in

"What would you like to have, sir?" A waiter asked politely

"A cold coffee and a cappuccino please" arthit replied

"Will be at your table very soon" the waiter replied before he walked away

Kongpob put his head on the table over his arms while arthit softly caressed his hair, kongpob looked tired

"Looks like your class was terrible" arthit chuckled softly

"It was the worst" kongpob groaned

"Did I make it a bit better?" Arthit asked, biting his lower lip shyly, very much unlike his self

Kongpob looked up at him with a silly smile before nodding his head

"Very" kongpob replied

Arthit smiled wider and their orders arrived, making kongpob sigh in comfort, his coffee was here

It had been a few weeks since kongpob was brought out to everything about arthit and type's past

No matter how much he felt terrible for type, how much he wanted to give him comfort, to make him feel wanted for once he couldn't get himself to leave arthit

Arthit, he wasnt very attracted to him since the first sight like he was to type, but arthit was someone he had wanted all along, and he knew it very well

He would never leave Type's side in that matter, he promised to himself to always be there for him but he needed arthit, he wanted arthit as his forever love

And that is what brought them here, they were both officially dating since the last week, aim was the first one to know, the second one was tine and his pretty boyfriend, sarawat

Type was the last one to know, who had no real reaction as if he just didn't listen because he didn't want to believe and accept that he had to let go

Type pushed the door open, the bells rung, they were irritating to him, the waiter smiled at him as he walked further in which annoyed him

He wanted to stay alone but did the exact opposite and found himself in the busiest cafe in his area

It was his way of getting thoughts off him, he blamed others for his own faults, he blamed his bad mood on the ringing bell and the smiling waiters and his need to stay alone on the customers

He was about to find another one to blame when his eyes landed onto his solution and he just couldn't pull them away

There he was, seated with arthit, laughing on something the other had just said as he also sipped in his coffee after every minute

Arthits back was facing type and he was very thankful, he didn't want to create a scene, but he also knew that if he saw arthit, he would do nothing but fight

Kongpob suddenly placed his hand over arthit's and arthit intertwined their fingers before chuckling again

Type felt it, the burning sensation in his heart, more than anything he felt like his heart was being scratched, like it was being crushed in a fist, like he was being suffocated

It hurts when fresh air is all you need but the oxygen starts to suffocate you, type had just read these lines as cliche quotes but today, he felt them in every nerve of his body

He stood up abruptly, catching a few people's attention before he hurried away, he needed to get out, anywhere, away from them

"Ah, I don't want you to leave just yet" arthit whined, holding onto Kongpob's arms

"I was with you for the whole day arthit, I literally couldn't even do my assignments" kongpob chuckled helpessly

Arthit pouted in response, and kongpob swears it was the cutest thing he had seen

Getting on his tippy toes he quickly pecked the others lips before running straight into his house leaving a surprised arthit behind

"Yah! Get back here sutthalik!" Arthit yelled

A whipped grin plastered on his face as he walked down the streets, on his way back to home

I purple you 💜

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