chapter 10

392 39 45

Mr. Dimple

Wanna go out for coffee today?

Kongpob woke up with a message from arthit, it was a day off at college and kongpob was going to spend it at home, sleeping

He sighed but the tingling sensation in his stomach didn't let him deny and he agreed to the plan

Kongpob checked himself for the fifteenth time, trying to make sure that he looked good enough to go for a coffee with none other than arthit

Once he was satisfied enough, he grinned at his reflection before making his way to the main door, towards the taxi waiting for him

Arthit had told him that he would get a bit late due to something at home and so it would be better if they met at the cafe directly

Kongpob having no problem with it, agreed at once and called himself a taxi

Type yawned and ruffled his hair as he walked down the stairs lazily, wanting nothing but a cup of coffee when his eyes fell on his mother

Suruchi was crumbled into a ball beside the couch, crying her eyes out, there were marks on her face, handprint of tight grip on her arms and one on her neck as she found it hard to breathe in between the crying

Type hurried down to her, his eyes filled with concern and worry for his mother, Sam probably wasn't home noticing how quiet the house was

"Why did he do it today?" Type mumbled

"Forget it type.." Suruchi whispered, not trusting her voice

"What changed your life for the better after marrying him? He treats you that same way, that bastard did" type replied through gritted teeth

"It changed your life for the better, trust me, you do not know what would have happened there.." Suruchi mumbled

"Get up mom, let me treat your wounds" type suggested, as he held her hand firmly

"Type" Suruchi called

Type hummed in response, helping her sit on the couch as he made his way to the drawers to find the first aid kit

"Stay away from that new kid, kongpob" Suruchi replied

Type stopped in his tracks, his eyes slightly widening, his mouth dry as he looked back at her

"How would you know.." Type's voice trailed off

"Leave him and that boy alone.." Suruchi replied

"For how longer will you restrict his name in the house?" Type asked

"As long as I'm alive, at the least" Suruchi replied, her eyes fixed onto type's worried face

"And what about kongpob? What about him?" Type asked, walking closer to her

"Just, do not interfere in his life" Suruchi replied

"Why..Why am I the one who always has to make the sacrifice? Is this the better life you were talking about? Why me? Why not him? Why am I your son and not him?" Type yelled at the top of his voice

Suruchi looked up at him, all her eyes reflected was pain, she was hurt and type sensed it as soon as the words left his mouth, he shouldn't have

Kongpob glanced at his watch, arthit was ten minutes late already when the bells rung indicating someone had entered and fortunately enough, it was arthit

Kongpob smiled at him, waving, as arthit found him, making his way towards the other with a wider smile

"I'm really sorry, mom wouldn't let me go without details" arthit chuckled

"About?" Kongpob asked confused

"You" arthit replied

Kongpobs eyes widened and his cheeks turned scarlet

"You told her about me?" Kongpob asked

"Of course, and just to keep in mind, you are the first person I told my mom about, one reason she was very excited" arthit replied, chuckling right after

"Wow.." kongpob whispered, sipping the juice he had ordered himself

"You are drinking this juice while we are here for a coffee?" Arthit asked raising an eyebrow

"No, I mean you were taking quiet" kongpob smiled sheepishly

"Not as if I mind, this results in us having a longer date" arthit replied with a playful wink

Kongpob giggled, he liked this side of arthit, well this was the only one he had seen so far and it was interesting enough

All that kongpob didn't know was how to stop his heart from wanting to escape his chest, one more smile from arthit and his heart was going to run away straight into arthits arms

The date surely went on for long taking in mind how it was already six in the evening and the duo was still walking around the park, talking about everything and anything

"So do you have any siblings?" Arthit asked

"Nah, not anyone that I'm aware of even in the cousins, I'm all alone" kongpob replied shrugging his shoulders

"I have.. I am a single child too" arthit said, smiling awkwardly

"Oh.." kongpob replied finding it strange on how arthit stopped in midsentence earlier

They continued walking in silence, it was peaceful and because they had finished all the topics they humanly could find

Kongpob was about to begin another topic when he found himself bring pulled into someone's arms and he suddenly felt warm hands wrapping around him, it wasn't arthit, he knew it, was it...

"Type?" Arthit called, his voice annoyed and furious in a perfect balance

"I'm not leaving you alone, nor am I going to stop following you, you like it or not, I can't leave you alone" type said, tightening his grip on kongpob

"I..I can hardly breathe.." kongpob mumbled

Type let go of him but not completely, his hand was still firmly wrapped around his waist and his eyes were fixed on his confused yet flushed face until he noticed arthit gripped kongpobs hand into his

Type turned his gaze into a glare before facing arthit, his hand never letting go of kongpob and nor did arthit's

"Is it in your blood? To steal things as they like?" Type asked raising an eyebrow, but failed when arthit noticed his moist eyes

"Type.." arthit called, he had never in his life seen the others eyes filled with anything but hate

"Shut up, you bloody bastard, you are everything like your father and I would do anything to keep kongpob away from you!" Type yelled, as he punched arthit hard and loud

Kongpob gasped, his hands covering his mouth as he watched type beat arthit, one punch after another and arthit didn't fight back

"Type, stop! Please!" Kongpob yelled

Type took in a deep breath before pushing arthit away, resulting in him falling over

Kongpob quickly helped him up, arthit's eyes never left type's

"Did he do it again?" Arthit asked

"Like every bloody fucking time" type replied

I purple you 💜

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