Chapter 2~ I like my dreams better than real life

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Pre-Marked~ A House of Night Fan Fiction

Chapter 3~ I like my dreams better than real life

'Everything is all fuzzy around the edges... OH NO! STAY CALM OPAL! THERE HAS TO BE A LOGICAL REASON FOR THIS, OTHER THAN YOUR GOING BLIND! Oh, there we go, much better.' I thought as I opened my eyes. The reason why I freaked out is because my vision is never fuzzy, not even as I dream. Weird, I know.

Then I noticed my surroundings. If I didn't like being a silent ninja as much as possible, I would have gasped. It was all beautiful, in an old, natural kind of way. I was in a field of long grass that was surrounded by humongous mountains. The mountains had ramps leading up toward the sky at a gentle slope, zig-zagging their way up. And every 20 feet or so opened up the mouths of caves, all of which were perfectly circular and 8 feet in diameter.

Coming from a cave a few yards away, little wisps of smoke was coming out of it. If I squinted, I could see that the wisps were words. One word, to be exact. My name. So I did what anyone would have.

I followed the words down a deep, twisting cavern. Smart, I know.


After what felt like hours of walking through twisting passage ways (a few times stepping over little mini-streams, which were really pretty to be honest) I finally came to the source of the smoke words. In the center of the room was the most shockingly beautiful thing I ever saw...

In the center of the room was a woman kneeling. She was very pretty, but every time I tried to focus on a detail, it would start shifting around. Weird, I know, but I heard of something like this before, but only in old mythology... Oh well, lets talk to her to see if I was right! (Best idea ever, I know!)

"Ummm, hi. I don't mean to be rude, but, why in the name of Llamas does your features keep changing? I think it's super cool, then no one can get your identity very easily, but then again, all they need to do is look for the person whose face keeps on changing, and I'm gonna shut up now..." What can I say, when I get nervous, I either talk a lot or keep my mouth clamped shut.

She laughed. It wasn't a mean laugh, but a kind, gentle laugh, like little bells tinkering or the wind blowing through the trees. I decided I liked her laugh, it felt like I was getting the nurturing that I had missed out on before.

"No, my daughter, it is alright to be curious in such a manner. It is only natural. But all this time, you have been supressing it. So I'm not surprised that it came out so... bluntly." She talked, and her voice was like a bubbling stream. "Now, you must be curious about who I am, no?"

"Nope," I said, popping the 'p' ,"But since you brought the subject up, I think that it would be best if I got a name, because if not I will be forced to give you a name myself, and I am no good at names."

"I am glad you asked, daughter. I am called by many names, but the one that I am known as more often in this modern day is Nyx." She said, a small smile playing on her lips. That was when it a crashed into me.

I used to read everything on Greek, Roman, and any other Mythology I could get my hands on. Nyx wasn't mentioned very often, but she is the Goddess of the Night, so to speak. She was also the one that the vamps adored. She was actually made specifically by the Greeks for the vampyres or something like that.

"You're the Goddess of the Night! That must be why your features kept changing! You have more than one part of yourself focused here!... But why? What's so important about me?" I really needed to know, I don't care about what curiosity did to the cat, I'm a person, and cats have 9 lives.

"I am here to warn you daughter. You have a very important destiny, you are going to do great things, as long as you choose the right path. But to do so, you need to know who to trust, and who will stab you when you need them the most." Nyx said.

"Never judge a book by it's cover..." I said, just above a whisper.

"Yes, and I chose you to be my voice and hand in this world. The name Redbird is important for you to remember, for she is my eyes and ears." She said, and she got up very gracefully.

"Wait, you're leaving? Why? And why do I have to be your voice? I can barely stand up for myself, let alone a goddess!" I was starting to panic, what if I never see her again? How am I supposed to know what she wants, when I can barely figure out what I want?

Nyx slid over the surface of the cavern floor towards me, a small smile playing on her lips, an intelligence in her eyes, and I had a feeling that she was about to do something very important, something that's going to change the playing feild. As she reached me, she reached her hands forward and grasped my face. Not painfully, gently, to make sure that I didn't move. She moved forward and kissed my forhead, where my mark is.

My forehead tingled as I started to slip back into unconsciousness. The last thing I heard was a whispered voice of the goddess saying ,"Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet again, my daughter."


What did you think? What is her mark gonna look like when she wakes up? 


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