chapter 1. "when i realised"

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As usual, Ganyu was doing her paperwork. I'm almost done, just this last thing and I'm done. As she finished it. Before she got up and was about to leave, she heard the door opening. She saw a purple haired girl appear. It was Keqing; the yuheng of the Liyue qixing. "Oh hello miss Keqing, Is there anything you need?" Ganyu said. She noticed her heart started to beat faster and got stuffy. What is this feeling?. "Yes, can I quickly print something out? My printer just broke." The yuheng asked. "Yeah of course, I don't mind." As the yuheng started printing something out. Somehow, I'm getting stuffy just by seeing her. Beidou once told me that's a sign of love. But I never experience it before. Tonight I'm meeting up with beidou, so I can ask her about it. "Thank you, Ganyu. I appreciate it" as she left the room. As the secretary took her stuff and left the office.

Ganyu met with Beidou. "Hello Beidou, I have something to share with you." The secretary says. "Hello there, Ganyu. Tell me what's on your mind." Ganyu tried her best to include every detail she felt for the yuheng. "Well for me it's clear, you're in love." the captian explains to her. Wait, really? I never experienced such a thing like this.. but her purple silky hair, her eyes you can easily get lost in.. i do think she is very sweet and nice, but somehow I feel more for the yuheng.. "I know she does like the scent of cherry, so maybe wear cherry flavoured lipgloss? Ningguang always liked the scent of lemon, and I guarantee you, that trick always helps."
Mmh.. I do have some cherry lipgloss in my desk drawer, and the scent is really strong. It wouldn't make a big influence or anything, but atleast it's something to try. "Thanks for your advice, Beidou." As the captian got up and walked home with her. "why don't you ask her to go out to dinner with you?" Beidou suggested. "A-ask her out? You know I'm not very good with those kind of things, Beidou.." Ganyu answered nervously. "Don't worry, it's easy. Just say that you would like to know her more and spend more time with her, don't be shy, Keqing would love to." The captian says while cheering her up a bit. "Thanks Beidou, I really appreciate it." Ganyu says while giving the captian a hug. "No problem, Ganyu. Good evening!" As she walks away.

Ganyu plopped herself on her bed. L-love? Maybe Beidou is right. All though i never experienced it before, I have the feeling I do. Keqing is a nice person, she wouldn't mind if she isn't busy. As she grabs a pillow and hides her face under it. It's not 100% official i have feelings for her, maybe she isn't interested in women? That would be so embarrassing if I asked her out. But go for it Ganyu, you only live this life once. As she gets under her blanket and holds her pillow tightly. Ugh! I can't even sleep because of this now.. as she tries different positions to fall asleep. After a while of trying and no success, she meditates. Sleepless nights, constant stress and headaches, Beidou is right, maybe I am in love? Ugh, stop thinking. You need to get up early. And after a while, she finally falls asleep.

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