Chapter 3: First Showdown of the Rivalry [Part 1]

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"What?! I have to pay?!" Kaori shouted in shock. "I don't even have any money!"

"We are sorry." The museum staff member responded. "However it is necessary to pay to enter this establishment. Either way we only give Pokemon to new trainers. We hope you understand."

"Alright..." Kaori said with disappointment as she walked out.

"Char..." The Charmander on Kaori's shoulder cried.

"It's alright Charmander, we'll just catch a Pokemon, no big deal." Kaori responded, petting her Charmander.

Kaori was walking towards Viridian Forest to hopefully find some trainers who are willing to battle, when...

"Well look what useless being I found again." A voice spoke. Kaori turned and sure enough it was Damien.


"What do you want?" Kaori growled.

"I just wanted to destroy you before I get my first gym badge." Damien scoffed.

Kaori and her Charmander glared at Damien, with Charmander growling.

"Fine! You need to be taught a lesson anyway!" Kaori snapped back.

Kaori and Damien walked over to a nearby battlefield.

"Since I have 2 Pokemon and you only have one, I suppose its only fair that we have a 1 vs 2." Damien said.

"Joke's on you! I have 2 Pokemon!" Kaori shouted back.

"Fine then. A 2 vs 2." Damien said coldly. "I'll destroy you either way."

"Can we get this started then!" Kaori shouted, impatient.

"Fine." Damien scoffed getting out a Poke Ball. "Sandshrew! Destroy this female!"

Damien threw the Poke Ball, and appeared a mostly light brown mole like Pokemon.

"Never seen that before." Kaori said holding up her Pokedex as it spoke.

"Sandshrew, the Mouse Pokemon. A ground type. It can roll its body into a ball. It moves through the desert by rolling at high speeds." The Pokedex said giving information on the new Pokemon.

"Alright then," Kaori said getting out a Poke Ball. "Go Shuppet!"

Kaori threw her Poke Ball and Shuppet appeared, obviously a bit nervous, due to this being her first battle.

"Of course a female would get a Pokemon like that." Damien scoffed, discouraging Shuppet.

"Don't listen to him Shuppet! You'll do your best!" Kaori shouted, causing most of Shuppet's worries to leave her.

"Sandshrew, let's finish this quick." Damien said. Sandshrew nodded and glared at Shuppet.

"Alright Shuppet! Let's do our best!" Kaori shouted. Shuppet smiled and nodded.

"Sandshrew, Sand Attack!" Damien commanded as Sandshrew threw a sand ball at Shuppet.

"Shuppet, Psychic!" Kaori shouted as Shuppet's eyes glowed blue and caught the sand ball, spun around and threw it bad towards Sandshrew, hitting but it didn't do much.

"Now, Fury Cutter." Damien commanded again. Sandshrew's claws glowed light green and ran towards Shuppet.

"Use Will o Wisp!" Kaori shouted as Shuppet summoned some blue flames. However Shuppet was making the flames spin instead of firing them towards Sandshrew.

"What a useless tactic." Damien scoffed.

"Shuppet what are you- wait... I see..." Kaori realized. She now knew Shuppet had a much different battle style and this is what Shuppet was aiming for. A combination of a performance and battling.

Sandshrew slashed away one of the flames, however, all the other flames hit from the side. Sandshrew quickly recovered however by using its claw to shorten the slide.

"Gyro Ball." Damien commanded, slightly annoyed. Sandshrew rolled into a ball, glowed white and rolled towards Shuppet.

"Dodge it!" Kaori shouted but it was too late. Sandshrew collided with Shuppet sending Shuppet flying back.

"I knew that thing was weak." Damien scoffed.

"Shut it!" Kaori shouted. "Shuppet isn't weak and I'll prove it to you! Shuppet, Shadow Ball!" Shuppet then charged a purple colored energy ball and fired it at Sandshrew.

"Stone Edge." Damien coldly spoke.

"Stone Edge?!" Kaori shouted, shocked.

Sandshrew slammed one of its claws into the ground, causing blue stones to emerge heading towards Shuppet, hitting Shuppet at the same time the Shadow Ball hit.

The dust settled and while Shuppet was severely damaged, she was still standing (or floating I guess). However Sandshrew was lying on the ground, swirls in its eyes.

"How-" Damien said confused and annoyed as he returned Sandshrew. "You just got lucky. I'm about to destroy you." Kaori rolled her eyes.

"Now, finish this! Charmander!" Damien snapped as he got out a Poke Ball and threw it.

Out came a Charmander but it was different from Kaori's. Instead of orange, it was basically golden.

"Shuppet! Can you still fight?" Kaori asked the ghost type. Shuppet looked behind her and nodded.

"Just give up." Damien scoffed. "There's no way that piece of cloth could ever win." Damien's Charmander growled.

"Well we aren't giving up!" Kaori shouted.

"But you will soon!" Damien shouted, somewhat causing Kaori to jump, but she shook it off. "Use Fire Punch!"

Damien's Charmander's fists became engulfed in flames as he ran towards Shuppet.

"Now!" Kaori commanded.

Shuppet dodged the attack before glowing black and tackling Damien's Charmander.

"What?!" Damien shouted, shocked.

"Sucker Punch is useful, don't you say?" Kaori said as Shuppet started spinning around.

"Well it won't help you!!!" Damien shouted again causing Kaori to jump again. "Use Outrage!!!"

Damien's Charmander's eyes glowed red as he ran towards Shuppet.

"Again! Sucker Punch!" Kaori commanded.

Shuppet used Sucker Punch again and hit Damien's Charmander in the stomach, but he then slashed Shuppet sending her flying into a wall.

"Shuppet!!!" Kaori shouted as she ran up to Shuppet.

Shuppet had swirls in her eyes. Kaori held Shuppet in her arms. Shuppet looked at Kaori and looked away in shame.

"No need to be ashamed Shuppet, you did your best, and that is what matters!" Kaori reassured Shuppet.

Shuppet then smiled as she was returned to her Poke Ball. Kaori then walked back to Charmander's side.

"You ready Charmander?" Kaori asked.

"Char! Mander!" Charmander replied.

"Alright then..." Kaori said. "Charmander, I choose you!"

Charmander jumped onto the battlefield and glared at Damien's Charmander as Kaori glared at Damien.

To be continued...

(Sorry this took so long, I'm pretty new to writing battles. Still hope you enjoyed!)

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