Chapter 2 - Surprise

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”Have you heard anything from Derek yet?” Aria asked when they got to school on monday.

”Not yet and I said I'd call him and we met two days ago.” Ellie said.

”Still, he was hot” Sam said.

”I think he's still hot.” Ellie said.

”Can I see the picture again?” Aria asked.

”Sure” Ellie said and showed her the picture.

”Okay he really is hot, when are yoy going to call him?” Sam asked.

”I don't know if I am, I'm scared and he promised that he'd call me if I took to long so it will be ineresting to see if he does.” Ellie said.

”But he might think that you weren't interested.” Sam said.

”I asked for his number of course I was interested.” Ellie said.

”You're going to call him today after school.” Aria said.

”Fine.” Ellie said.

”Okay, I have to turn here, see you later.” Sam said and walked a diffrent direction. Both Aria and Ellie had english the first lesson. The class went by fine, a bit boring but english is always boring. Aria and Ellie had to go to diffrent classes now but they'd meet at lunch later. Ellie had math and chemistry before lunch, she had chemistry with Jake though so that was fun. Ellie and Jake were the last one to get to lunch, the others were already at a table.

”Have you heard of the new history teacher?” Sam asked when everyone was sitting down.

”No, what about him?” Ian asked.

”He's apparently young and good looking, I think he's like 22or something like that.” Sam said.

”Yeah, I heard about him, but I don't have history this semester.” Nate said.

”I have history next.” Ellie said.

”So do I” Sam said.

”And me.” Jake said.

”That makes four of us.” Aria said.

”This will be fun, three friends and a hot teacher.” Sam said.

”Yeah, I'll be the one making sure that the three of yu don't drool to much.” Jake said.

”We wont be drooling, if he's hot we might undress him with our eyes.” Aria said.

”Yeah, exactly” Ellie said.

They talked some more about the new techer but they also talked about their classes and other things. Ellie, Sam, Aria and Jake were now walking to history class.

”This will be fun, I can't wait untill I get to see if he's as hot as everyone said.” Sam said.

”Yeah, I hope he doesn't disapoint us.” Aria said.

”Yeah and as I said earlier I'll make sure you don't drool to much.” Jake said.

”We wont drool, that's so unsexy we might look surprised at how hot he is or we'll undress him with our eyes as Aria said earlier but not drool.” Ellie said.

”If you say so.” Jake said.

”Sam and Aria look surprised, I wonder if that's good or bad?” Ellie said and walked to the door.

”Oh, it's bad.” Sam said before she got there. When Ellie got there she too looked surprised before she hid herself behing her book and pulled her hoodie over her head. At the front was Derek, he's the new teacher. They all went to the back of the room, Ellie was still hiding.

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