Chapter 6 - Trouble

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 It had gone two weeks since the sleepover, Ellie had spent almost every day with Derek and her friends, not alwways everyone together. It was now friday again. Ellie wouldn't spend this night with Derek because she and her friends were going to a party and Derek were out of town untill sunday.. Ellie, Sam and Aria had been at Ellies place since they ended school and been getting ready. It was 8 pm and the guys had just gotten there to pick them up.

”WOW, you look great, all of you.” Ian said.

”Thanks.” Sam said.

”You all look very handsome.” Ellie said.

”Thanks.” Jake said.

”So are you ready to leave?” Nate asked.

”Yep.” Aria said.

They all walked to the party, it was only 10 minutes away. The party was ready in full motion, loud music were playing and drunk people were everywhere.

”The only bad thing about tonight is that we are going to be babysitting the whole night.” Ian said.

”Like you ever do that, you might check up on them once or twice, it's always me and Jamie who looks after them.” Jake said.

”And you're good at it.” Nate said.

”Thanks.” Jake said. ”Back to normal I guess.”

”Yep, see you all later.” Nate said and left with Ian.

”So, what do you want to do?” Jamie asked.

”Look around?” Aria asked.

”That sounds good.” Sam said.

”Lets go.” Jake said.

They went around talking to people, alot of people were drunk, normally none of them drink much but it was a while since they had been drinking, Aria, Ellie and Jake got pretty drunk, Jake and Ellie could walk and talk normally but you could tell that they had been drinking, Aria wasn't walking really straight but she was sobering up at the moment, Sam and Jamie kept somewhat sober so that they could look after them. Jake and Ellie were dancing and talking about old times.

”We were good together, weren't we?” Jake asked her.

”Yeah, we were but we're better of as friends, don't you think so?” Ellie asked.

”Yeah, maybe.”

”What do you mean maybe?”

”I don't know, I don't think I like you that way anymore but I miss how wew wwere, when we kissed, when we did other stuff...”

”Jake, I-I don't know what to say.”

”Neither do I, but do you miss how wwe were sometimes?”

”I thought about it sometimes, yeah but...”

”And it felt so good”

”Yeah but, you're just missing the physical stuff, go find a girl or something.”

”I already have a girl right here.” Jake said and kissed her. Ellie was first shocked but when she realised what was happening she pushed him away.

”Jake, I'm with Derek, I really like him and even if I didn't like him I wouldn't want to be that girl that cheated on her boyfriend again.”

”No one knows that you have a boyfriend.”

”I do, and you do. You can't do this to me, I love Derek.” Ellie couldn't believe that she just said that, did she really love him. Of course she did why else would she had said that, she knew that it was true, she could feel it, she loved him.

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