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     Batman took off into a run, Ghost not far behind. The duo raced up the stairs of the building, Batman busting the door in at the top. Stepping in the room, the woman was met with a dank stench. It was like it hung in the air, mildew and garbage; Ghost's stomach churned.

     She looked around the apartment full of newspaper clippings and weaponry. She hurried to the open window, searching for the Riddler. Ghost heard Batman bust in the bathroom door and she turned. He faced her now, a look of pure rage on his features.

     The police soon rushed into the apartment, looking around in horror. "Well?" Ghost started. She faced the men, who were now scanning the room. No one seemed to pay her any mind, aside from a young officer who burst through the door.

     "A witness saw a figure climb down the fire escape," he breathed. Ghost looked at her partner and he nodded before following her out of the apartment. The duo led the group of police officers to a diner three blocks down.

     He sat there alone, a cup of hot coffee on front of him. Ghost watched from the window as the police arrested him. She turned to Batman, "will they take him to Arkham?" He didn't say anything, just nodded solemnly and took Ghost's hand. He pulled her along with him, back to the apartment.

     The apartment was full of forensics investigators and policemen searching for anything incriminating. Ghost fingered through old newspaper cutouts with headlines about herself.





     Ghost's breath hitched as she flipped through clipping after clipping. If the Riddler knew about her, things were so much bigger than she imagined. 

     She turned to call her partner, but he was hunched over his own piece of evidence. She walked to him and peered over his shoulder. It was a diary. His diary.

     "You should see this," Batman said to Gordon. He held the book out to the Lieutenant who began to read aloud.

     "Friday, July 16th," he began. "My life has been a cruel riddle I could not solve, suffocating my mind, no escape. But then, today I saw it. A single word on this ledger, sitting on the desk beside me. Renewal." Gordon looked at Ghost. "The empty promise they sold to me as a child in that orphanage. One look inside and I finally understood. My whole life has been preparing me for this. The moment when I would learn the truth. When I could finally strike back and expose their lies." Gordon paused again, this time looking at Batman who scanned the room carefully, half listening.

     "If you want people to understand, really understand, you can't just give them the answers. You have to confront them, torture them with the horrifying questions, just like they tortured me. I know now what I must become." Gordon flipped the page to reveal pages covered with barely legible writing.

     "Jesus," Ghost whispered. She and Gordon faced Batman who was crouched in front of a rat cage. The animals were squeaking loudly and they sounded distressed. 

     One rat was louder than the rest, and Gordon said "I don't think that rat likes you, man.

     "It's not a rat," Batman whispered. As Ghost came closer, she realised that it was a bat, hanging from the top of the cage. Batman reached a gloved hand in the cage and took another envelope out.

     Just for you. It read. MY CONFESSION.

     "What's he confessing?" Ghost looked at the masked man.

     He shook his head, "Not sure." He placed a hand behind Ghost's elbow, "You should go home, get some rest. I'll meet you there." Reluctantly, Ghost agreed.

     Lennox woke to her phone ringing on the bed beside her. The woman groaned, just wanting sleep. She looked at the clock, which read 2:37. After returning, she had collapsed on Bruce's bed in her suit. She picked the phone up and answered, "Hello?" her voice thick with sleep.

     "Len," a voice filled her ears, low and gentle. "Lennox, wake up."

     "I'm up," the woman huffed, "unfortunately." She opened her eyes and turned over in the dark.  "What do you need?" she whispered.

     "Meet me at the apartment, Len." Bruce said quietly. "I need to do some digging. Something isn't right."

     She stood and stretched, eyes adjusting to the dark. Lennox stumbled down to the Cave to take her bike.

     When they entered the apartment, it was empty of people. It was eerily quiet, like the calm before the storm. Ghost looked through the files and evidence on a table stopping at the first murder weapon. It was flat and broad, made of metal. She watched as Batman lifted it with a gloved hand. He looked it over, carefully.

     "Odd choice of weapon, don't you think?" The voice came from behind Ghost, causing her to whirl around defensively. A young police officer stood there, and gestured to the weapon in Batman's hand.

     "What is it?" her partner asked lowly.

     The officer raised his brows in surprise before clearing his throat. "It's a carpet tuck." Clearly the look on the duo's faces was pure confusion because he spoke again. "You know, the tool they use to install carpet? I only know because my uncle- hey wait!" he called to Batman. The hero was kneeling over the carpeted part of the room, using the tool to pull up the green carpet.

     Ghost watched intently, trying to figure out what her partner was doing. He ripped up all the carpet to reveal a map of sorts.  In the middle it read,


     "Is that Gotham?" she asked aloud, already dreading the response. "What was he planning, Vengeance?"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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