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The school year was finally over and it was the summer holidays. Normally a time when you relax and do nothing for about a month or so, but not for Y/N. She was a pureblood. So her family was invited to a ton of summer galas and balls. Which she normally wouldn't complain about because she loved dressing up every once in a while. But four to five galas this summer? That was too much, how in the name of Merlin was she going to have time for herself? At least she'd have the company of her best friend, but all she really wanted to do was stay in her pajamas all day, read, drink tea and pet her cat. Was that too much to ask?

"Y/N! Darling, hurry up! We're going to be late!"

Y/N sighed and let her hair down in frustration, "Coming, mother!" She picked up the front of her light purple gown that had little fabric butterflies all over the skirt that were charmed to flutter softly. She rushed out of her bedroom and down the stairs. "I'm here. Let's go." She wrapped her arm around her father's. "You look beautiful, darling." She smiled brightly, "Thank you, dad." Her mother smiled at the both of them, "Okay let's get going."


"I don't want to be here." A loud sigh slipped from her lips as she grumbled to her friend as they served themselves some punch. Cassandra wore a mint green dress and had her blonde hair in a ponytail with a few braids in it. "But you look so pretty! It would be a sin if you didn't bless the eyes of all these young men here." Y/N laughed, "You're horrible, Cass." "I know." Once they made their way back to the side of the dance floor, they stood talking about their other friends who weren't able to come. "Okay, but once I told her that- wait. Is that James Potter and Sirius Black?" Y/N turned around at Cassandra's comment and saw the two boys standing there laughing. "It is... But I thought Sirius was disowned." Cass nodded, "He was. I wonder what they're doing here. The Potter's normally don't come to these events anyway."

"That's so strange." She made eye contact with the young Potter and turned around quickly. "He saw me. What should I do?" Cass chuckled, "Don't tell me you still have a crush on him..." She received a sharp glare and laughed harder. "You can't do much if he already saw you. Plus, Sirius would know to expect you here." Another sigh. Y/N gasped softly when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and met the dark brown eyes of James Potter. "I didn't expect to see you two here today."

Y/N froze and quickly shot Cassandra a desperate glance for help. She moved to the frozen girl's side, "We always go to these things. We didn't expect to see you two here." Her eyes shot to Sirius who stood in front of her. He chuckled, "Yeah... Well, since I'm still a pureblood and all I thought it'd be okay if I showed up." Cass eyed him suspiciously for a moment before she wrapped her arm through Y/N's. "Well... I guess so. Anyway, you two enjoy yourselves."

After pulling Y/N away she laughed, "You should've seen yourself! Like a statue, you were, the funniest thing I've seen in a while." The other girl turned red in the face, "I didn't know what to do." "Say hi maybe? It was a perfect opportunity to talk to him, you know." Another sigh. "I guess so."


It was the last night before the school year started back up and just like every year, Y/N sat in the living room with her mother gossiping.

"Okay, but then why would he have been at every ball we went to this summer? The Potter's never go to these things and Sirius was... Well, you know." Her mother nodded sadly, "I've always felt bad for those two boys... Anyway, I thought James had a massive crush on that Evans girl." Y/N sighed, "You're right. He does. How could I be so stupid? He has the biggest crush on Lily, of course, he wouldn't like me."

The older Y/L/N looked at her daughter with a sad smile. "I'll tell you something, my love. Maybe he got over her, maybe he didn't. Maybe he's the one for you, maybe he isn't. But that doesn't matter. This is your last year at Hogwarts, right?" A soft nod. "So enjoy it. Don't go into the year thinking about boys. If it happens it happens. But make sure you have fun. Go a little crazy with your friends, darling, and just be yourself. And here's what I learned when I was younger. If you don't try so much then you'll find the right person for you. Don't act like any other girl, just yourself. Promise me that."

"I promise, mom."


"You seem different. What happened to you?" Cass laughed as Y/N dragged her to their spot at their house table. "I had a wonderful conversation with my mother. She told me not to worry about boys and just have fun since it was our last year. And you know what? I agree. We deserve to have some fun this year." The blonde smiled, "I agree. Let's have the best year yet. Deal?" "Deal." The two girls sat down and turned their attention to Dumbledore as he gave the announcements.

What went unnoticed to Y/N was the fact that James Potter didn't take his eyes off her the moment she walked into the Great Hall. After seeing her in fancy gowns and dresses all summer, seeing her now in her uniform still left him speechless. How could someone be so effortlessly beautiful? How could he not have noticed her sooner? Sure Lily was a beautiful girl, but one can only handle being turned down so many times. It's been two years now since he got over the redhead, and one year now since a certain y/h/c head with y/e/c caught his attention.

It's not like they didn't know each other since Sirius is friends with her and Cass. But every time he came around she would freeze and stop talking. He had no idea what he did to her to make her act that way, but he hated it. He hated the fact that he couldn't even have a simple conversation with her, but he'd never blame her for that. He also wouldn't ever blame her for how hard he fell for her.

"Yeah, you better not. It's not her fault you're an oblivious idiot." Sirius laughed as James looked at him with wide eyes. "I said that out loud?" "Yep." James rested his chin on his hand before tossing the curly-haired boy a confused look. "Did you call me an oblivious idiot?" Sirius barked a laugh, "Yes I did. You're oblivious if you can't see how much she likes you back. You're both oblivious 'cause neither of you notices it."

"I'm not an idiot. Wait, did you say she likes me back?"


"Hey Y/N!"

The two girls stopped walking and turned around to see James running down the hallway after them. Y/N froze again and Cass pinched her side. "Oh no, you don't. You're talking to him this time." The Gryffindor stopped in front of them, "Hi." He panted, slightly out of breath. "Hi." The y/h/c haired girl squeaked. "Hi." James looked at her with a sparkle in his eyes. Cassandra rolled her eyes, "I assume you had something to say other than 'hi'?"

"Huh? Oh yes! I actually wanted to ask Y/N something." Both of them waited for the said girl to reply but got nothing in return. Cass sighed, "She's listening." James wrung his hands nervously, "I- uh... I wanted to know if- if you'd go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?" Y/N's eyes widened comically. "But what about Lily? I thought you liked her!" She cleared her throat as her voice slid up an octave or two. James chuckled, "I've been over her for about two years now."

"I knew it!" Both of them turned to Cassandra with a questioning glance. "Sorry, carry on."

"So... You want to go out with me?" James nodded, "Yeah. If you wouldn't mind, of course." Y/N felt her shoulders loosen as she realized that James was also nervous. "If I mind? I would love to go with you." She laughed as He smiled so big she thought that it might split his face. "Great! I'll meet you outside your common room on Saturday. 3 o'clock is good?" She nodded, "Perfect."

"Yessss! My best friend's got a boyfriend! My best friend's got a boyfriend!"


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