Brave Enough

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part one

The young girl's screams echoed through the Potter's back garden as James forced the training broomstick to go faster. The cold spring morning air whipped through their hair and past their faces causing Y/N to bury her head between his shoulder blades.

"James! You be careful with her!"

"Don't worry, Mum! She's just being dramatic as always."

"I'm alright, Mrs. Potter! I promise!" Y/N called back after smacking the bespectacled boy in front of her. Her arms were wrapped tightly around his waist as they both sat on his brand-new broomstick– gifted to him by his father against his mother's better judgment.

"Why can't you just ride the extra one if you don't want to go so fast?" He grumbled.

Y/N rolled her eyes, "I don't know how to ride it, you idiot."

"Then learn how to," he pointed out.

"I don't want to," she huffed. "Anyway, that's why I have you."

James could feel her smiling brightly behind him as he chuckled. "Fair point I guess."

The pair had been best friends since birth, given that their parents were all friends when they were at Hogwarts. The children had heard of all their fun stories and constantly looked forward to making memories as bright as their parent's when they finally got their letters. They had a good few years before they turned eleven and each day felt like an eternity, but they always had their fair share of mischief and fun to pass the time.


Footsteps pounded up the steps of the Potter's manor. Giggles fell from the eleven-year-old's smiling lips as she pushed open the heavy wooden door with a bit of a struggle.

"I got my letter!" Y/N yelled into the house as she kicked off her shoes by the front door and slipped on the extra pair of slippers they kept for her. Euphemia's laughter could be heard from the kitchen and the young girl quickly followed the sound. She ran into the kitchen and slid to a stop by the counter with a wide smile.

"Happy birthday, Darling!" Euphemia placed a kiss on the girl's cheek. Fleamont Potter followed by placing a kiss on her head.

"Thank you," she smiled. "I got my letter!"

"We know," the youngest Potter laughed. "We could hear you from your house."

Y/N rolled her eyes, "Well sorry for being excited."

"No need to be sorry about anything, Y/N/N." Fleamont chuckled.

Euphemia served both children slices of cake before she and her husband left them in the kitchen. James was quick to finish his slice and had started pestering Y/N for hers.

"Shove off, you had your slice." She grumbled as she slid her plate away from him.

He sighed and laid his head on the counter, waiting for her to finish. "We're going to Hogwarts."

Y/N giggled excitedly, "I know! Isn't it exciting?"

"We'll be leaving home," James muttered into his arm that he used as a pillow.

"Yeah..." she sighed. "But at least we're going together. We'll have each other!" She smiled brightly at him and moved her plate back in front of her, silently offering to share.


"You'll never guess what happened today!" James nearly bellowed as he strutted through the common room door and made his way to the other marauders sitting on the sofa chairs and couch.

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