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A/N : recomended listening to movies by conan gray hehe


"What do you mean she has been calling you?"

James didn't answer, he couldn't look Y/N in the eyes.

"That's why you constantly get out of bed to answer the phone, isn't it?" Y/N sunk into the armchair across from her boyfriend.

No matter how hard her mind tried to fight the thoughts in her mind she couldn't. She couldn't ignore the obvious signs of him slipping away from her. Going the whole week without talking. James excused himself to take random phone calls. The fake smiles and lies he told their friends. She was naive to think he was just going through a phase. Of course, he still loved Lily, they were the it couple in Hogwarts. No matter how hard she tried to ignore it, Y/N was always in Lily's shadow.

"You promised me she meant nothing to you anymore... Was everything you said to me a lie?"

"Y/N no- I meant what I said back then."

"Back then... Do you mean it now?"

Her breathing became ragged as she overanalyzed all the times he held her.

All the times he swung her around and kissed her softly. All the times he whispered sweet nothings in her ear from behind. Maybe it was all in her head. Maybe he was playing her from the very beginning but she wanted him so badly... His love blinded her. It was the type of love they watched in the movies, that should've been the first sign. No love should ever be that perfect to be real. Movies are fictional and exaggerated for attention, it's not meant to be real.

"Y/N. You did nothing wrong... It was all me."

She threw him a sharp glare, "I know it was you! I knew it was you. I shouldn't have turned a blind eye, I didn't deserve that. I don't deserve this..." She sighed loudly, emptying her lungs the best she could. "Maybe... Maybe it was love at first, but I can't pretend that will ever come back. I'm not an idiot, James. We're not in a movie, this isn't the part where you try to explain yourself with some dumb excuse and I just fall in love all over again. This isn't even the part where we agree to still be friends, do you know how hard that'll be for me?"

James ran his hands through his hair in distress, "Do you know how hard it will be for me to lose you? Y/N, you're everything to me!"

"Well you sure had a way of showing it, didn't you?"

He watched her with tears and regret in his eyes. He knew what he did and he knew he shouldn't have but he did it anyway. Even if he tried to explain himself... Any excuse he could think of was just pathetic.


She took a deep breath in through her nose as she unpacked the last box. "New place, fresh start." Y/N knew they wouldn't be able to save their movie-type love. Not that she wanted to after all. She moved on rather quickly and part of her was upset over the fact. Just another sign that she didn't feel as strongly for him as she thought she did. But no matter how angry she was with Jame Potter, she had to thank him for giving her a small moment of love that could only be found in movies.

Laughter echoed through the kitchen as James hummed, his arms around the giggling girl, swaying them back and forth. He spun her around every so often and smiled when another peel of laughter fell from her lips. He slowed their swaying and placed his lips against her hairline. Her arms wrapped around his waist as he pulled her closer by her shoulders. "I love you." His lips moved against her skin, lies being spoken directly to her head but she thought nothing of it. She only smiled softly and murmured back, "I love you."

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